Pink heart, pure white

Marge 2022-03-24 09:02:21

In the economic law class, the teacher showed us the second part of the movie "Legal Blonde". The main line of the movie is the heroine's efforts to save her dog's mother. The original intention is simple, but in the end it is not simple for the law. A new clause has been added to protect animals from being harmed by cosmetic experiments.
After watching it, I didn't have a particularly deep feeling about the law and legislation, but I was deeply impressed by the heroine's character and some of the truth, goodness and beauty in the film, which resonated a lot.
First, keep innocence and insist on yourself. I have always liked clean and pure people, who have their own perseverance, their own world, and dream like a child. The heroine Woods lives in a pink world, with pink clothes, pink office environment, pink mentality, and pink persistence. The "adult" who has been immersed in the world for a long time may think she is naive or even stupid, but Woods does not consider his "ignorance" a shame. She protected her spiritual garden from the influence and destruction of the world, and kept her authenticity. Many people often say that reality makes people indifferent, but in fact, reality does not necessarily lead to a person's change, the determining factor is still oneself. What do you like, what do you want to be, what do you insist on, and how do you choose between choices, you are always changing and shaping yourself.
Second, believe in yourself, believe in the light. This belief isn't even intentional, it's more of an attitude, you know you can do it, you believe you won't regret it after you do it, and you believe the result won't be too hard for you to accept even if the result may not be perfect. I think this kind of optimism is an essential state of mind in life. You are positive, optimistic and cheerful, it does not mean that you have never failed or been depressed, but it is more of a belief, a belief in yourself about the future and the laws of things in the dark. Just do it when you think of it, there is no unbearable result, and "God rewards hard work" will never fail anyone who believes in it and pays
Third, be kind, be kind to others and the world. Help others more, smile more, discover the advantages of others and praise others more. Don't be an indifferent person. I don't know if a man who is always grouchy or impersonal will be happy, but a man who thinks little and is always passionate must be happy. Simple and silly, not only brings joy to others, but also warms yourself. In the movie, Woods was initially rejected by his colleagues, and later he was recognized and helped by his colleagues; and the uncle of the doorman provided a lot of information and helped to prepare materials, largely because of the heroine's kindness and simplicity. If you are kind to others, others will give back to you, and if you are kind to the world, the world will be kind to you.
Finally, the friendship and love in the movie make people feel very warm. The support, both physical and spiritual, from Woods' friends and loved ones brought a heartfelt smile. Everyone has their own exclusive happiness, there is no need to envy it, I just hope that I can also meet a partner who accepts me and understands me. I hope that I can keep walking with the good friends around me, making noise but staying with me until old age. .

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Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde quotes

  • Elle: Hi everyone!

    Timothy McGinn: Look, it's Capitol Barbie.

    Reena: She's so shiny.

  • Paulette: Ooh... the bend and snap! I did that last night naked. I broke a window though.