(Spoilers) Whether this movie is good or not depends on how often you watch horror movies

Dahlia 2022-03-24 09:02:07

Whether this movie is good or not depends on how often you watch horror movies. If you watch it often, you will feel that there is no bright spot. If you don't see it, it will still look good.

The sentence at the beginning: Within 48 hours my sister and everyone I knew were dead. This sentence has already prompted the ending, there are only two possibilities, one is killed by the heroine, and the other is killed by the big boss. And from the horror experience for many years, the first one is more likely.
Other details have repeatedly suggested that this is just a prank, not a real murderer.
1. The heroine takes psychoactive drugs. I kept screaming and had a headache and drank a lot of alcohol. hallucinations are possible.
2. Someone deliberately tells horror stories to create atmosphere.
3. It is also the most obvious reminder. If it is really the murderous madman who has never seen light in his life and has lived in the dark for a long time, does he need a lamp to chase after him?
4. The funniest tip, that beautiful white-haired chicken, won't tell me that the killer will go to the vegetable market to buy chickens for himself, not to mention that he can raise chickens himself. Khan, that's too obvious. doesn't come out one by one, anyway, it has always been a prank, there is no real boss, not the boss killed, only the heroine was driven crazy and killed. Therefore, people who often watch horror movies will guess the ending early, it is neither novel nor scary.
It's not a bad movie, just not fresh. Based on the purpose of the last prank, it is to help the heroine learn to cherish life as an encouragement award, or to give it a good praise.

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As Above, So Below quotes

  • La Taupe: The only way out is down.

  • Scarlett: If we find the chamber, then that's the way out. We'll find a way out.

    Souxie: Are you sure?

    Scarlett: I think I'm sure.