It's enough to be funny

Darien 2022-03-25 09:01:10

I took a day off, and after finishing my work, I went to the movie theater to watch this cartoon. I laughed so hard that I was surrounded by couples or adults and children.
In fact, the story itself is not very good, and I actually watched the Chinese dubbing, I was dizzy, and blamed myself for not watching it carefully...
But there are still a few funny points, and in the end, it was a little touching, and that's enough.

I think about it, where are you laughing?
One is that when the agent "confidential" introduced himself seriously, he was constantly interrupted by the voice of the penguin boss eating cheese bars... I really laughed until I burst into tears.
There is that Erbi octopus can't turn on the headset, and then the special team over there patiently taught him, when he put on glasses. Instantly feel cute! Moe! clatter!

Hahahaha, I watched such a happy DreamWorks movie on weekdays, so hi-sen~

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Extended Reading

Penguins of Madagascar quotes

  • Classified: What is that?

    [they see numerous painful weapons as they are going to be killed on the ride]

    Classified: Oh, great.

    Short Fuse: Oh, no! This it it!

    Corporal: I don't wanna die, I'm squishy!

    [before they are killed by one of the weapons, the ride stops and goes reverse to see Private knocked out the squid controlling the ride]


    Private: [to the North Wind team] I pushed a button!

  • Dave: [holding a microphone] I'M HAPPY! And yet...

    [realizes his revenge succeeded]

    Dave: Now, that I have my revenge, I feel... empty. As if, what I needed all along was... MORE REVENGE! In fact, Robin, write this down. Tomorrow, we move on: Kittens, then Puppies, Bunnies, Pandas...

    [he sees the Penguins' using his ray, gasping, then is angry]

    Dave: [talking to his minions on the microphone] Charlize, they're on the ray!

    [he runs and rips off his human disguise]

    Dave: Helen, hunt them down! William, hurt them! Halle, bury them! Hugh! Jack! Man the battle stations! Kevin! Bake on! We're still going to need that victory cake!