American dream

Missouri 2022-03-28 09:01:04

I will still be moved by this movie that promotes the main theme of the United States. Believe me, I am also very helpless.
After watching the movie, I ended up with a book as news of discourse.
I think it's like the news, no matter how bad the news, if it is carefully packaged, it will always make enough tears.
Should the party's eight-legged model drama and the like also strengthen their professionalism?
Forget it.

The male lead seems to be a famous black actor and yet what I remember is that he has a disability in one eye and
I think that seems like a hint that a strong America always has its lameness and
historical segregation is like the broken one The eyes are dazzlingly placed on the face, staring at every American
film, and the portrayal of each person's character is very three-dimensional and real.
Because it is true
, the ignorant, vain but fearless mother's love that touches the mother is always the greatest emotion in the world
. It has nothing to do with the character of each woman and has nothing to do with the great title of mother.
The character of the father is more complicated. My experience is shallow, and it is difficult to get into the depths. What I like is that the director did not flatten his character, but showed its multiple facets. I even experienced the vicissitudes of life and the vicissitudes of character destiny that books can bring to me. The helpless and painful psychology, I think this is enough. After all, this history has nothing to do with me, but it made me cry when the father and son embraced each other.
As for their two sons, it may be the fate of two generations. The most impressive thing is the phrase "You fight the country. I fight for the country."
They did not have the hardships of their parents, so they have different ideals and blood from their parents.
Yes I think it's a causal relationship Suffering and ideals do not coexist instead I think ideals taint suffering.
During this time, I am watching the history of American constitutionalism, Chinese politics and the details of democracy. I think this film is a good complement to the fishing net that was riddled with holes in the early days of the United States.
Sometimes it can be a blessing to think that living in turbulent times.
Oh, I want to say that the ending of this film is really chilling. . The main theme is fluttering in the wind

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  • title card: Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

  • Freddie Fallows: Are you political, Mr. Gaines?

    Cecil Gaines: No, sir.

    Freddie Fallows: Good. We have no tolerance for politics at the White House.