I almost didn't watch

Letha 2022-03-25 09:01:18

What a good movie, but the beginning is too realistic, I yawned and almost wanted to quit. Today I finished watching it while weaving a scarf. The ending can only be described as TRIUMPHANT. After watching the whole film, you can almost understand why the director put the rhythm in the first half so slowly, because that is the life of EMMA, luxurious, rich, but empty. It wasn't until she went after Antonio that the pace of the film picked up, because Emma's life was finally full of life due to love.

Edo is idealistic in the film, and he is the only positive character in the protagonist. Much like his grandfather, he insisted on his own business philosophy, went to the factory in person, and dined with the workers in the restaurant. Just like grandpa took him with him when he was a child. This may be why Grandpa decided to give half of the family business to this young man who has not yet received social experience.

The father is basically the complete opposite of him, rational (snobby, no nostalgia for the inheritance and history left by his ancestors in the face of interests), ruthless (whether it is the death of his son or the betrayal of his wife, he cannot see any change in his expression), Also fake. The sudden appearance of two completely different leaders in the same family is bound to be a tragedy.

In the movie, although Emma has lived in Milan for many years, she can see her nostalgia for her hometown. The director did not give a reason, but the audience could tell that she had never been to Russia since she arrived in Italy, so that she almost forgot her real name, not to mention her contact with her parents and relatives. She wears high-end clothes, designer handbags, and jewelry that is never the same... But she is always tired and often leaves early at banquets. It felt like she never really fit into this family or even this society. So much so that after she fell in love with Antonio, she chose to leave without hesitation.

This line is also reflected in Edo's new wife. She worked hard to please the family and married Edo smoothly, but no one ever took her seriously. After Edo's accident, she couldn't sit with other family members in the hospital (there is a scene where the servant came and sat between Emma and her husband, which is really meaningful). After the doctor came out, he ignored her and walked straight to where the others were sitting. Although I didn't like her all the time, at this moment I felt a little sad for this girl who had just lost her husband and was pregnant. At the end of the movie, she finally plucked up the courage to announce the fact that she was pregnant, which should allow her to get some compensation.

After Edo's accidental death, the men seem to be indifferent, while the women are devastated. Maybe the Italian family is such an architecture?

Anyway, the more I think about this movie, the more I get. It's really a good movie.

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