unfinished trial

Kiley 2022-03-25 09:01:20

It is not easy to choose such a theme. I can’t agree on whether the current state of Christianity reflected in this film is universal. If it is said that even the smallest existence is a problem, that is, no matter what, there is such a reality in the world. , then through this small reality that may not be universal, we can see through the inheritance and diversity of culture, explore the source of this power, and examine the complex relationship between human nature, civilization, religion, and science, that is, meaning where.
The film is relatively long, and the picture is almost focused on the monastery on the mountain. There is neither redundant scenery capture nor detailed explanation of Alina's ambiguous feelings for Vecchia, so it is dull, just like the basic point of view in the textbook of religious studies. Photographic translation. But in this not-so-splendid picture that seems to be far away from us, we often feel pained by Alina's morbid persistence, the powerlessness beyond the tangle of loving a person, or, in other words, love for a person. Feel the same. At the end of the film, the conversation between the police and the people in the monastery can be regarded as the finishing touch. It can be seen that the sincere help and devotion to God of the priests and nuns is not doubtful. It is this pure faith that leads the way. They are walking on a path that is completely different from the secular world and even confronts them.
Whether this kind of belief is like the vast snow covering the earth to bring the world into a peaceful and peaceful tranquility or is it just an illusion to cover up the undercurrent and turmoil of desire, this is a fruitless trial in the end.

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Beyond the Hills quotes

  • Priest: The man who leaves and the man who comes back are not the same.