Make it all meaningful

Darion 2022-03-26 09:01:05

I believe in that saying, the magic of music is that it makes all the mundane things meaningful.
Walking on the street, everyone is just a passerby in a hurry. But with music, it seems like everyone has a story.

Thought they would be together, but no, what does it matter? Emotions are not judged by this. Just remember that one night, they held hands, listened to the same music together, walked on the streets of New York, and felt everything around them together... This kind of romance is already a very good memory.
That person does not belong to her, belongs to the stage of rock and roll.
The man betrayed him, but maybe time will heal everything.

The streets they walked, I have also walked. Every time I see so many pictures about New York, I can't help feeling emotional. I will go back one day, maybe spend a few months living there, doing nothing, so that I can fully own the city.
New York is heaven, and miracles will happen here.

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Extended Reading

Begin Again quotes

  • Dan: That's some song you got there. I promise you it could be a big hit. Plus you're beautiful.

    Gretta: I'm sorry, what's beauty got to do with anything?

    Dan: Jesus, you're tricky, aren't you?

  • Gretta: I told you, I write songs from time to time.

    Dan: What do you write them for?

    Gretta: What do you mean what for? For my pleasure. And for my cat.

    Dan: Oh really? Does he like them?

    Gretta: She. Yes, she seems to.

    Dan: How do you know?

    Gretta: Because she purrs.

    Dan: Maybe she's booing.

    Gretta: No, she purrs at Leonard Cohen, too, and she has very good taste.

    Dan: Maybe she's fucking with you.