Oh My Bene!!!

Eleanora 2022-03-24 09:02:05

I don't know if it's because Aijuanfu's love is too deep...
He dubbed it, Classified, and when I spoke, I was already excited and couldn't help myself!
I didn't even know there was Bene without looking at the credits!
At the end of the video, when I saw the title of the video, my friends and my boyfriend both said that I rubbed you so much that I liked it!
he dubbed that "thing" was it a husky... let's
get down to business.
I've always loved these penguins.
Every time I watch Madagascar, I feel like watching this bunch of penguins is the same as watching Ice Age, seeing that squirrel, and seeing despicable, and I want to see Minions.
In addition, I have also watched Nickelodeon's cartoon Madagascar and Penguin~ My
favorite is not Private or Skipper, but Rico!
He didn't say a word, but he really had "goods" in his stomach!
At the beginning, when a bunch of octopus brothers chased them, they couldn't laugh anymore!
Ha ha ha ha!
Check it out!

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Penguins of Madagascar quotes

  • Classified: What is that?

    [they see numerous painful weapons as they are going to be killed on the ride]

    Classified: Oh, great.

    Short Fuse: Oh, no! This it it!

    Corporal: I don't wanna die, I'm squishy!

    [before they are killed by one of the weapons, the ride stops and goes reverse to see Private knocked out the squid controlling the ride]


    Private: [to the North Wind team] I pushed a button!

  • Dave: [holding a microphone] I'M HAPPY! And yet...

    [realizes his revenge succeeded]

    Dave: Now, that I have my revenge, I feel... empty. As if, what I needed all along was... MORE REVENGE! In fact, Robin, write this down. Tomorrow, we move on: Kittens, then Puppies, Bunnies, Pandas...

    [he sees the Penguins' using his ray, gasping, then is angry]

    Dave: [talking to his minions on the microphone] Charlize, they're on the ray!

    [he runs and rips off his human disguise]

    Dave: Helen, hunt them down! William, hurt them! Halle, bury them! Hugh! Jack! Man the battle stations! Kevin! Bake on! We're still going to need that victory cake!