sad love

Kamryn 2022-03-24 09:03:02

This is such a right golden boy and girl, such a beautiful and pathetic love. To be honest, I think the era has a stronger meaning. Love at first sight, twists and turns, life for love and death for love without any reason are hard to resonate now. The plot of the movie seems a little silly now, but every scene is meticulous and exquisite, which is incomparable with the fake special effects of modern digital movies. The color of the whole picture and the faint fog are really like Oil painting, now people are looking for high-definition movies. I wish I could count the pores clearly. It is difficult for individuals to understand. This oil painting-like picture quality is actually very beautiful. What is even more unforgettable is the sadness that pervades the whole movie. With the song "Somewhere in time" by Paganini, my whole person is not well. Know where to go.

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Somewhere in Time quotes

  • Elise McKenna: I am an actress, Mr. Robinson, not a doormat. Do not attempt to wipe your boots on me.

  • Richard Collier: I owe you an apology. I understand you now. You have nothing but the best motives in mind for her, but so do I.