Of course, the scattered figures in a small box that day foreshadowed all this early in the morning, so I shouldn't have expected too much from the beginning.
View more about Into the Storm reviews
Marcos 2022-03-27 09:01:12
View more about Into the Storm reviews
Carrie 2022-03-30 09:01:05
Tornado stories, hand-held photography dangling, typical patterns and routines of disaster films.
Lexie 2022-04-02 09:01:05
Although the special effects are better than the tornado, the layout is much smaller than that. There is no sense of crazy and bloody chase. Everyone (even the scientists and the film crew) is just panicking Zhang Huang's escape. So other than seeing the big wind ring open its mouth and wow twice, I don't feel much.
[first lines]
Boy 1: Hey, pass the bottle over.
Boy 2: A little busy back here, okay?
Girl 1: Yeah, we can see that, David.
Girl 2: Yeah, you can get un-busy.
Boy 2: Oh, come on, Marce. I mean, you know, we skipped graduation for this.
Girl 2: You are not graduating down there, David Brody.
Girl 1: Hey, you better not be filming us.
Boy 1: No, just checking my messages.
Girl 2: [electricity pops] What was that?
Girl 2: [electricity pops again] Did you see that?
Boy 1: What?
Cheerleader: [eyes closed, fingers crossed] Please marry a rich guy. Please marry a rich guy. Please marry a rich guy.
Trey: Uh, we're rolling. So, what would you like to say to yourself in 25 years?
Cheerleader: That was it.