The details of "Parker" are perfect, and this will be the direction of future movies. Very good film.

Nicolas 2022-04-22 07:01:32

This film has achieved the ultimate in almost every aspect of action and emotion, and the details are quite in place, which is really rare. Some people say that the plot is old-fashioned, what do you think is not old-fashioned?
That's right, Jason has indeed made a lot of films of the same type that show iron-blooded tenderness and violence. From this point of view, the audience's aesthetic fatigue is certain, but this is definitely not the fault of Jason's films, but the fault of the entire film and television industry. The entire film and television industry has reached a creative bottleneck period. How to make the constantly re-shooting genre films unconventional and how to make them come out with new ideas is a big challenge, but I think "Parker" has achieved it. Every detail is meticulously crafted, whether it is fighting or emotional expression, every action, every expression, is performed almost perfectly.
The only episode that disappoints me is that at the beginning of the film, in order to show Jason's experienced past, Jason and his wife asked her when she was taking a bath, if she wanted to see his back, this place was designed to be a little contrived and inappropriate. Other places are perfect.

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Parker quotes

  • Jake Fernandez: [after Leslie buys a large cup of coffee] Hey, you have a cupholder in your car, or you just keep that between your legs?

    Leslie Rodgers: Well, it's large and black, Jake. Where do you think I like it?

  • Leslie Rodgers: I'm sick of chauffeuring these fucking entitled wannabe playboys who have never worked a day in their life. Showing them houses that I could never afford. Laughing at their jokes that I can't stand. All while fending off their gropes. But not all their gropes. Because you never know, one of these days I might just might get a full commission.