“I mean, why have a civilization anymore if no longer are interested in being civilized?”

Jasen 2022-03-25 09:01:13

No, you're not gonna be saying anything, that's not gonna add any value to my life.

It's not nice to laugh at someone who's not all there. It's the same type of freak show distraction that comes along every time a mighty empire starts collapsing. "American superstarz" is the new coliseum. And I won't participate in watching a show where the weak are torn apart every week for our entertainment. I am done, really. Everything is so cruel now. I just want it all to stop. I mean, nobody talks about anything anymore. They just regurgitate everything they see on TV or hear on the radio or watch on the web. When was the last time you had a real conversation with someone without somebody texting or looking at a screen or a monitor over your hand? You know, a conversation about something that wasn't celebrities, gossip, sports or pop politics? You know something important or something personal.

They were saying how their freedom of speech is in jeopardy.

I'm not offended that they act as it's my responsibility to protect their rights to pick on the weak like pack animals or we're supposed to support their freedom of speech when they don't give a fuck about yours or mine. So you are against “freedom of speech” now. That's in the “Bill of Rights”, man. I would defend their freedom of speech if I thought it was in jeopardy. I would defend their freedom of speech to tell uninspired, bigoted, blow- job, gay-bashing, racist and rape jokes, all under the guise of being edgy. But that's not the edge. That's what sells. They couldn't possibly pander any harder or be more commercially mainstream, because this is the “oh, no, you didn't say that” generation where a shocking comment has more weight than the truth. No one has any shame anymore. And we're supposed to celebrate it.

I mean, why have a civilization anymore if no longer are interested in being civilized?

That's one of the problem of your generation. You can't enjoy anything unless it was recorded. You were there. You were lived. Isn't that enough of an experience? I mean, next time you want to remember something, instead of taking out your cellphone, why don't you take a picture of it with your brain camera? I mean, when i was your age nobody tweeted, yet we managed to have experiences.

America has become a cruel and vicious place. We reward the shallowest, the dumbest, the meanest, and the loudest. We no longer have any common sense of decency. No sense of shame. There's no right and wrong. The worst qualities in people are looked up to and celebrated. Lying and spreading fear are fine as long as you make money doing it. We've become a nation of slogan-saying, bile-spewing hate mongers. We've lost our kindness. We've lost our soul. What have we become when we take the weakest in our society and we hold them up to be ridiculed and laughed at for our sport and entertainment? Laughed at to the point where they would literally rather kill themselves than live with us anymore?

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God Bless America quotes

  • Roxy: Do you have it in you Fuller? How long has it been since you've actually had to shoot someone? Oh wait, you never have. I forgot, you never served in the military. You had your parents help you dodge the draft. Just like every other rich blowhard who makes a living off of American Xenophobes. Seems like you guys just exploited some tragedy to further your agenda. In fact, it seems like it's always been about protecting big oil companies right to keep boiling the whole world alive. Just because some court appointed, hillbilly president started taking orders from Jesus or the Easter bunny or some other make um up play friend of his.

    Morning Show Host: Please, that is just your typical, uneducated, femo-Nazi point of view.

  • Roxy: Did you just kill Chloe?

    Frank: [hurries past without responding]

    Roxy: Awesome!