Life is lonely as snow.

Chesley 2022-03-24 09:03:12

You lie in the snow and have sweet dreams. You thought it would never end, but you are already dead. He walks between different women, keeping the safest distance, not approaching the sun, not daring to approach the sun. So when his real sunshine came, he approached, however, and the heat scorched him. Despite his longing, being in the abyss for a long time has made him unable to touch the sunlight, and he is afraid that his darkness will annihilate this ray of sunlight. Therefore, he chose to stay away and choose to look far.

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Alone quotes

  • Sinem: Ada, have you fallen in love?

    Ada: - Don't be ridiculous.

    Sinem: - You have.

    Ada: Look, I said no, didn't I? Are you off your head?

    Sinem: Well, what else would you say?

  • Ada: Will you look at me?

    Alper: I am.

    Ada: No. Look properly. Feel my hand... Feel that I'm touching you.

    Ada: Right on your forehead are the lines of my hand...

    Ada: Can you feel them? Open your eyes... Look at me. What can you see?

    Alper: You.

    Ada: Yes... But you ought to see a load of things along with me.

    Alper: How do you mean?

    Ada: My face should change. It should become everything you love... Otherwise it's a no-no...

    Ada: Keep looking... I should be more than just me now... When you look at me it's like you should capture a moment from your own life.

    Ada: There should be a story... That moment, I should be everyone you love... And everything...

    Ada: Hold my hand. Can you tell which is your hand now? They should become mixed up.

    Ada: You should mix them up. I should become you, and you me... You should get confused...

    Ada: As though you re making love to yourself...

    Alper: - Ada... This is so beautiful...

    Ada: - Yes...

    Alper: Ada... My love...

    Ada: Shhh...

    Alper: Ada... I love you...

    Ada: I know.

    Alper: Ada... Ada...

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