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Life is lonely as snow.
Chesley 2022-03-24 09:03:12
Ada: You have a face with a story.
Alper: How do you mean?.
Ada: You almost have no forehead. It's like your hair couldn't wait and grow in a big rush... So you always seem to be running... Your eyes are completely the opposite. They tell you to stop for a bit... To walk one step at a time... And they really look a lot... I mean, how can I put it?. They look really deeply. And you know that. Which is why you can't look at anyone for a long time. Your beard, it's like honey... And it's kind of in-between the two. It's like, Hey, don't be so serious. We're having a good time here. Plus you have such a mature and well-structured face... it's like you were never a child. You were never a child, so you've always stayed a child...
Alper: What's the story called?
Ada: I don't know. Something blue or green... Blue Frenzy...
Alper: Drop the frenzy. Just stick to the blue.
Alper: I know people from the way they eat. You, for example, are a one-by-one kind of person. You like living life slowly, serenely and without hurrying.