the presence of the zoo

Lucile 2022-03-24 09:02:36

One of my favorite places to go when I was a kid was the zoo, but I never watched animal shows and always felt uncomfortable watching. As more and more things to see, more and more as to the existence of the zoo.

Zoos combine the roles of environmental nature education and animal cruelty. Killer whales and dolphins live in small spaces that are only 1000% of the natural environment. In a way, they were thrown into prison by humans for their own entertainment. They should have a lot of friends and family, instead of living alone in a small box.

Many zoos nowadays use the promotion of their own cherished animals as a selling point. But does this really make sense? For children who are really receiving environmental education, is it really important to cherish or not?

Maybe non-research zoos shouldn't be eligible to keep certain animals in captivity at all. Maybe what we need is more small animal zoos. Let children see ordinary, accessible animals in real life. Get to know the nature around you every day.

I just got a little emotional after watching it. Say whatever you want.

But boycotting animal performances and playing with wild animals is something everyone can do.

PS, a small animal zoo is a zoo that keeps animals with low aggression that have been domesticated by human N generations. For example, horses, sheep, rabbits, grass mud horses. . . such animals. . .

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Blackfish quotes

  • Howard Garrett - Orca Researcher: There is no record of an orca doing any harm to a human in the wild.

  • Christopher Porter - Former Trainer, Sealand: When you know the animal and have a relationship with it. You know, that he's not killing, because he's a savage. He's not killing, because he's crazy or because he doesn't know what he's doing. He's killing, because he's frustrated and has aggrevation. And when he's... He has no outlet for it.

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