I really can't stand it

Karl 2022-03-25 09:01:09

I really can't understand where the hysterical anger of the two men in the play comes from? ? ? Especially that Tom, John has some reasons, after all, he stole his girlfriend, what about Tom? Rape for a few minutes like a mad dog, what is he doing? John was a hopeless person from start to finish, bullying the weak, making fun of others, no manners, no idea why Langdon and her mother treated him so well, what kind of person John was?
Regarding the heroine, it is enough to make people angry, obviously he is so weak! She always pretends to be strong. To be honest, I'm not touched by her relationship with Langdon at all. Do you have any touching scenes? The heroine has always emphasized that she is sexually insane, hoping that she is a boy, and she dresses up as a boy to hunt for beauty. Do you like Langdon so much? Since he is so popular, change a plug. It's just that you have been screwing up and trying to succeed once.
"please ,please don't hurt my baby " If she wanted to laugh, she didn't give the camera at all, why did she repeat this sentence?
The director of gay themes wants to express the society's suppression of homosexuality, contempt, even insult, but why do I feel so far-fetched?

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Boys Don't Cry quotes

  • John Lotter: Shut up, you fucking pervert. Are you a girl or are you not? ARE YOU A GIRL OR ARE YOU NOT?

    Tom Nissen: There's an easy way to fix this problem.

    Brandon: Fuck you! You stay the fuck away from me!

    Tom Nissen: Oh, you wanna fight?

  • Dave - Deputy: Miss Brandon? Miss Brandon, we ran your Charles Behrman ID through to the computer, and this is what the Lincoln authorities faxed us over. You tell me.

    Brandon: Wow... This Teena chick's pretty messed up.