best in love

Brennan 2022-03-24 09:02:54

37-year-old meets 23-year-old, this kind of love may be destined to have no end. She has matured and understands that what she wants is a lovely child and a stable family, and the way forward is clear. And he is still so young, so young that he doesn't know what he wants, there are infinite possibilities in the future, and he cannot be easily bound.
In the face of Rafi and David's love, Lisa, a psychiatrist and mother, said something very meaningful: love alone is not enough, especially when you consider marriage and children, or pay bills together when.
Falling in love is easy, maintaining a relationship is not. As Yang Lan said: marriage requires another bond other than love. The toughest one is not children, not money, but about the common growth of the spirit, which is a partnership. When you are most helpless and weak, when you are most depressed and down, there is him or her to hold your chin, straighten your spine, command you to be strong, and accompany you to bear the fate together. At that time, in addition to love, the relationship between you also had a sincere loyalty, a tacit understanding that never gave up, and an unforgettable kindness.
And obviously, their age and background differences doomed them not to grow up together.
Deep in love, David said to Rafi, I want to work hard with you to go on.
Rafi said: I know you can, but I can't because I love you. The reason why you are willing now is to prove how much you love me, but it is not fair to you, you are willing to do this, it is the best gift for me.
A year later, the gradually mature David met Lafite again. They looked at each other and smiled. He suddenly understood why she did that. It was not that she was not loving enough, but that in marriage, love and hard work alone were not enough.
My dear, we are not only separated by time, but by the gap of growth.
However, I don't regret it, we were in love. Only this love, can only love here. What we can have together is not the companionship of the rest of our lives, but the fragrance of memories. This love, in the heart, will be infinite.
Thank you for giving me your love, allowing me to experience the most beautiful and purest love.
Thank you for giving me your love, let me learn to mature, learn to bear, learn to be myself.
We have worked hard and loved.
That's enough.
This is the best ending: I let go and let you grow. And over the years, when we meet again, we can still smile at each other and let the past come to mind, at that moment, you will understand my good intentions.
Understand that the best love is to care about each other and grow together. Understand that the best love is to see a wider world through a person, not because someone gives up a wider life.

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Prime quotes

  • David Bloomberg: We're gonna have vacation sex tonight!

    Rafi Gardet: ... What is vacation sex, Dave?

    David Bloomberg: I don't know, but you're gonna get it, girl.

  • David Bloomberg: [dog barks at David and pepper spray is sprayed in his eyes from the collar] Ahhhh!

    Rafi Gardet: Oh, my God! Are you OK?

    David Bloomberg: Yeah, I think I'm blind.

    Rafi Gardet: Oh no, better call the pediatrician!