the greatness of a father's love

Sabrina 2022-03-24 09:02:18

In the choice between life and death, in the contest between emotion and rationality, he sang the beauty of human nature, lashed out the ugliness of the soul, and played a hymn of life, which has the power to shake the soul.
Strong and rough, yet tender and delicate.
Whenever possible, every effort should be made to save lives.
We should not approach life issues with the investment-return principles of secular economics.
When life is in a state of extreme embarrassment, between life and death, the good, the beautiful, the evil, and the ugly in human nature are magnified.
On weekdays, he looks grand and dignified, but at a critical moment, he does not hesitate to deprive others of the right to life for the continuation of his own life. Where is the conscience? What is the value of such a life?
Human nature is always a topic that cannot be discussed.
Parents have always treated their children with the most selfless heart. They gave their children their lives, and at the same time they can give their own lives, at any time, without thinking.
You never know where the turning point in life is.
Will you cut the rope that connects your life?
Only in this way can we get closest to the soul of the father.

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