The period films I like (the literal title of the film is more appropriate)

Kacie 2022-03-24 09:02:11

Relive the movies you watched as a child. At that time, I was too young to fully understand the plot, but I remembered the decadent and handsome male protagonist and the beautiful and unparalleled female protagonist.
The Hollywood movies of that era had a special mood, representing the golden age and the rise and development of color films, and the film themes and shooting techniques were improving. At that time, actresses could have both beauty and acting skills. Although they did not belong to the era we lived in, they were fondly remembered.

Just today, I re-watched another movie from the 1950s, "Rear Window" (1954), and I felt even more emotional. Whether it was Grace Kelly or Elizabeth Taylor, they had a soft-spoken calmness and gentleness in their lines at that time, and you were immersed in their emotions and infected by accident. In today's movies, women are more powerful and speak faster, just like movies that are edited faster and faster, without the old-fashioned charm. At this point, I'm just thinking of a rhythm like that for some of Aunt May and Cate Blanchett's characters.

When watching this film, when you notice the southern accents of the characters in the play, and the black servants who travel in and out of the protagonist's house, you will suddenly realize that there are still many barriers in the United States of that era that have not been broken. "Rear Window" is like a mystery novel in the golden age. It has nothing to do with the social background and political environment. It involves very little of it. It focuses more on the story itself and human nature itself, which is relatively an ivory tower perspective.

Maybe it was because the first time I watched it, it was too young. Although I didn't understand the plot, Paul Newman's style influenced my later aesthetics of European and American male stars (I've been crazy since I was a child... The Appearance Association... There's no cure for it) . Actors of his type or the follow-up actors like him would like it better-----as long as the acting skills are not too bad. Think of Will in The Good Wife who looks like him at times, and Matthew McConaughey, who I also like, and James McAvoy. . . Speaking of which, let me distort the topic, why are many male stars in England finding a sister several years older to get married at the same age, and have a personality!

Newman's performance in the film is timeless even now, proving that good acting is as timeless and testable as a diamond. Tyler and him have not been compared to each other. Seeing her beautiful face, I suddenly feel that many beautiful actresses nowadays are only good-looking, but only good-looking. But my favorite is the two scenes with Blake and his father in the film. There are wonderful moments in dialogue and performance.

Finally, I have to say that a reliable script is always very, very important.

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Cat on a Hot Tin Roof quotes

  • Margaret "Maggie" Pollitt: This is a deliberate campaign to ruin Brick!

    Mae Pollitt: He don't need no help.

    Margaret "Maggie" Pollitt: [crying] And for the most sordid reasons on earth! Greed! Avarice and greed!

    Ida 'Big Momma' Pollitt: Margaret, darling, don't cry.

    Mae Pollitt: Well, that takes the cake! Who are the tears for? Brick? Big Daddy? Or are they for yourself? Are you crying cause you're childless? You know why she's got no kids? Ask her big, beautiful husband!

    Gooper Pollitt: Mae!

  • Gooper Pollitt: You said I never loved Big Daddy. How would you know? How would he know? Did he ever let anybody love him? It was always Brick, always. From the day he was born, he was always partial to Brick. Why? Big Daddy wanted me to become a lawyer. I became a lawyer. He said to get married, I got married. He said to have kids, I had kids. He said to live in Memphis, I lived in Memphis. Whatever he said to do, I did.