when we do become parents

America 2022-11-27 02:52:41

Before we became parents, we would like to say, how will I be when I become a parent in the future. Maybe it's the joy of being a parent all of a sudden, Jim and Cindy always hope that they can do everything for their children. Originally, I said that it would be fine if I wanted to play football, but at least one goal was scored, and I couldn't help being disappointed when I saw the child kicking an own goal. Originally, I wanted to say that it doesn't matter if the music is mediocre. When I see others showing off Zi's children in front of me, I can't help but hope that my own children can do the same. Hehe~ There is always a big difference between being a parent and not being a parent. So, when we become parents, we understand that it is.

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The Odd Life of Timothy Green quotes

  • Jim Green: [retelling their Halloween courtship story] I had seen a lot of pencils, but I had never seen one quite like your mom. Breathtaking. But I was too scared to even talk to her, so I wrote her a note. Yeah...

    Timothy Green: What did it say?

    Cindy Green: It said, "It feels to me that with a pencil anything is possible."

    Timothy Green: That is so true.

  • Cindy Green: We didn't know what he was doing with the girl. It was fine if he wanted to have a secret, as long as he shared it with us.