Occasionally want romance...the lucky one

Alexandria 2022-03-24 09:02:02

I watched the movie first, and then looked back for the book. Surprisingly, I still like books and movies. And this situation is very rare, this time is a special case (ha!)

In fact, I have watched the movie more than a year ago, but because I watched Orange is the new black recently, I found out that Piper is Beth (the face blindness was completely eliminated at that time.) Noticed Taylor) so flip through the movie.

But it's not all because of Taylor, and I want to watch it because of the pressure of work. The last time I was looking at the movie, I suddenly wanted to see how the original book described the story, so I also completed the book at a high speed.

First of all, I want to talk about why I read this movie; I remember when I watched this movie, I was a newcomer in society. When I was a bank clerk, I sat in a cold office every day chasing him and would never run away. During that time, the pressure was very high, and sometimes I even had to drink alcohol to escape this sense of oppression. And the oppression seems to be back...

Logan is a retired Marine who hikes from Colorado (Southwest US) to Hamden (South Central US) in search of a heroine. Logan has been on the verge of life and death 5 times. The psychological trauma caused him to go home and even the sound of electric gunfire from his nephews could touch the protective nerves in his brain, and he almost injured his nephew, so this 1694.7 kilometers can be regarded as a spiritual Healing Journey. Later, he came to the kennel of the heroine Beth, a suburb with only dogs besides the family. Logan accidentally became a kennel employee, and the simple life in it touched my long-term pressured heart even more. I projected myself as the protagonist, and imagined that I was also guided by the guardian goddess to leave the high-pressure work environment.

There's a line in the movie that really stood out to me. When Logan first came to Beth's kennel, Logan said he was walking from Colorado to Hamden. My reaction was exactly the opposite of Beth's, Beth thought no one came on a good day. The only one who applied was crazy; what I saw was: you? Understand how important those 5 months of walking days are to me, and the peace of mind I get is inconceivable.
Beth: What brings you to Hamden?
Logan: It's kind of a long story...
... Logan
: I don't know, I walked.
Beth: from Colorado?
Logan: I like to walk.

Beautiful, successfully expressing a peaceful life from the picture, so I don't like this movie because of handsome men and women (LOL) The

book explained that Logan worked so hard because he was grateful for Beth's "life-saving grace", but the movie did not Instead of coming out, he made him look like a superman. On the first day of work, he had to go to work early because he couldn't sleep the night before, and Ot didn't have to rest at night. After work, he repaired his house and Beth's boat.

If I had Logan's fitness, my job might not be so overwhelming.

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The Lucky One quotes

  • Beth: Sorry, it's been a while.

  • Beth: What kind of a person drives from Colorado to Louisiana to work in a dog kennel?

    Logan: I couldn't tell you. I walked.

    Beth: You walked? You walked here from Colorado?

    Logan: I like to walk.