very principled male protagonist

Verda 2022-04-22 07:01:32

Character characteristics of the male protagonist:

1. Very principled and abide by his own principles. Willing to use my life to defend my honor.
1) When stealing, only the rich are stolen, and the innocent are not harmed.
2) When the companion set fire to the wrong place for some reason and caused casualties, he was angry, because this violated the fulfillment agreement.
3) When he decides that he is not a kind of person, even if he promises a lot of money and has huge benefits, he does not violate his own principles and join forces with them
5) Strictly abide by the promises, such as knocking out the doctor, holding the patient hostage, cooperating with the heroine, and honoring the agreement in the distribution of benefits.

2 is very open-minded. Understand the essence behind things.
1) Find out the opponent's information through stakeholders. And know how to obtain relevant resources. [Get money, get identity, and strategically force the boss to kill the mafia and take away the gun with fingerprints]. 2
) It is very strategic to find the opponent's residence and prepare in advance, place the gun with glue, and bend the firing pin of the opponent's gun.

3 Willpower is strong.
1) Familiar with the various positions of the body and know how to kill with one blow.
2) When the killer is about to win, in order to protect himself, he uses his palm to block the knife and endure the great pain.
3) For the purpose of their own revenge, endure, sacrifice.

Claire is also very smart and wise. For example, she was very careful to feel someone breaking in, and when she ran away, she didn't forget to puncture the tire
, and she was calm when treating the male protagonist.

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Parker quotes

  • Jake Fernandez: [after Leslie buys a large cup of coffee] Hey, you have a cupholder in your car, or you just keep that between your legs?

    Leslie Rodgers: Well, it's large and black, Jake. Where do you think I like it?

  • Leslie Rodgers: I'm sick of chauffeuring these fucking entitled wannabe playboys who have never worked a day in their life. Showing them houses that I could never afford. Laughing at their jokes that I can't stand. All while fending off their gropes. But not all their gropes. Because you never know, one of these days I might just might get a full commission.