Mr. RC Young

Neil 2022-03-24 09:02:24

In the middle of the night, when Sidney carried a drunk Alison back to the apartment and walked up the stairs step by step, Alison shouted "God, I'm a whore...I'm a whore..." Sidney was the first to see It was the fat landlady with a slightly apologetic face. The next moment, it was Sidney's father who walked out of the door. Sidney was shocked and said at a loss: Hello, dad. Mr. Richard Young appeared. Father and son were sitting on the sofa, Sidney looked embarrassed, but father was drinking coffee safely, listening to the noisy voice of drunk Alison coming from the opposite room. Sidney explained to his father that Alison wasn't really a prostitute, and he said "Oh, Then he cared about his son's emotional life side-by-side, mentioned Alison, and tentatively asked the possibility of his son being with her and gave suggestions. The son does not inherit the father's business, and the father RC Young has no opinion. All development follows the son's wishes. The words reveal a father's true consideration, care, understanding, trust and support for his son. With such an enlightened dad, Sidney is happy enough. Undoubtedly, Sidney was successful during his tenure in "Sharps", but Sidney began to have doubts about this kind of life, and at the final awards banquet and Sophie had a face-to-face with this so-called high-end luxury star life. Total rebellion. Probably, Sidney, who was born in philosophy, finally realized that success and value are not the same. Thanks to Sidney's father, Mr. Richard Young, for saying what Einstein once said. In the film, Mr. RC Young gives the impression that he is gentle and refined, peaceful and calm, indifferent and wise, and can be regarded as a role model. Although he is indeed an unremarkable character, I think he more or less had some influence on the male protagonist Sidney's final "appalling" unpretentious behavior. Suddenly I thought, does the male protagonist choose to work hard in fashion and entertainment magazines has something to do with his mother who used to be an actor? He mentioned that his mother died early, and he wondered if he chose to be an entertainment magazine. Did he want to have a deep understanding of what the entertainment industry for which his mother had been involved was like? Is it a complex of unfulfilled wishes? So wait until you really see through it before you resolutely rebel? (Additional: Judging from the title of the film, it can be said that the betrayal of relatives and relatives is a kind of break from the original level when Sidney is on the way to the so-called higher level. In the end, the image of the big banquet was lost, and it must be said that it was right. This higher level of betrayal. Boss Sidney looked at the farce in front of him and smiled. He probably understood, understood, envied and agreed with this young man. After all, he has been sitting at the top of "Sharps" for many years. There is no such thing as Rebellious spirit.) Finally, try not to be a man of success, rather become a man of value.

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How to Lose Friends & Alienate People quotes

  • Alison Olsen: You know what I don't understand? You're so desperate to get a story in the magazine, so why wouldn't you play ball with Eleanor, write the puff piece?

    Sidney Young: I just, I resent being bribed to gush sycophantically about a star. I choose to gush sycophantically.

  • Sidney Young: Hey, "keep true to the dreams of thy youth."

    Alison Olsen: Is that "Troy" again?

    Sidney Young: It's Schiller.