U Turn

Casey 2022-03-24 09:02:17

It's the kind of movie that just started watching, has been, and after a long time, I think it's really a messed up movie. But unknowingly, I discovered the mystery of the movie, and at the end, I sighed and sighed with emotion.

The lens is not bright, the dry land scorched by the scorching sun, the sweat, the dust, the blood, the cigarettes, the violence, the sex.

A dilapidated town, every one is a hideous face.

There is no complete positive or negative character, each person can be the absolute enemy of the other, or become relatives who fight side by side with each other. As long as they have the same purpose of interest.

Deception, extortion, incest, hypocrisy, provocation, suspicion... The seemingly messy plot reveals the ugliest side of human nature. It's hard to imagine what it's like to live in such a world. When people enter this town, they are not allowed to turn around, they can only continue until they are destroyed.

There are a lot of violent scenes in the film, which is quite enjoyable to watch, especially the messy scenes that are interspersed very quickly, which makes the visual impact stronger.

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U Turn quotes

  • Grace: [sitting on a bed, appearing as if she is about to seduce Bobby] Come here. You know what I wanna do? I wanna hang drapes...

    [gets up and walks off]

  • Jake McKenna: I got a mind to put you over my knee right now and paddle your ass raw!