How to be a qualified gang boss

Kamryn 2022-03-26 09:01:11

It's been almost a month since I watched this movie, and it's still worth watching.

Ding Qing's words and deeds revolved around "how to be a qualified gang boss", and everything else was a foil.

To be the boss, you must first be calm and united.
At the critical juncture of the competition for president, he went on a business trip to China calmly. Helpless, Li Zhongjiu is a big straw bag.

To be the boss is to protect the interests of the group.
Inside the gang, don't interfere with the police. When the police boss stopped Ding Qing at the airport and pressed him with evidence, he did not panic, but investigated the truth step by step. Bribery the police first. If bribery is not enough, then step by step to remove the informant. If it is not a pig-like teammate, it is perfect.

To be the boss is to talk about love.
There is no law within the gang, and the word "righteousness" is the only word to maintain order, and "righteousness" is the credit reserve of the gangster society. If it is purely about money interests, no one will sacrifice their lives for profit. Life is priceless, and the only thing that is equally priceless is "righteousness" (PS: Priceless does not mean expensive, but cannot be priced). This is like an army fighting. Obedience to orders is an axiom, and other principles are sidelined. Therefore, many unreasonable training and punishments are often used in the army. The purpose is to shape new values ​​for soldiers, because no one dares to go to the front line if they are reasonable. So when Ding Qing discovered Li Zicheng's undercover identity, he didn't cut the grass and root, maybe he thought of the former brotherhood, maybe he was going to leave a fire, in short, he was betting on "righteousness".

To be the boss, you must be able to employ people.
Legally, there are Chinese lawyers, Li Zicheng in the Korean business, and Yanbian stick in the assassination. They are all capable people, and they are fully trusted. Most importantly, the successor, Li Zicheng, lived up to expectations and continued the incense of the gang. Ding Qing really understood the talents.

To be the boss, but also to play.
The shopping in the elevator shows that although he has been the boss all these years, his martial arts are not at all cost-effective when it is time to fight.

The whole film responds to the old saying:
Evil people use the right way, and the right way is also evil; the right people use the wrong way, and the wrong way is also right.

Just look at Section Chief Jiang, it seems that the original intention is good, trying to create a new world of gangsters. But the methods used are even more evil than the gangs: the

New World Project itself is to provoke all the forces of the gang;
he doesn't trust his undercover agent, and he has placed his wife next to Li Zicheng as surveillance, and the method of blackmailing his wife is also a method of extortion
; , completely ignoring Li Zicheng's appeal to quit the gang;
the gift he gave to Li Zicheng and the gift to Ding Qing were also an interesting contrast.

Who knows, once the new world plan is completed, he will turn back to become the invisible black boss in the police station, sitting behind the curtain, so happy.

The final outcome, although it seems to be the rise of a new hero and the complete failure of the new world plan, is a little gloomy, but an undercover counterattack can be regarded as realizing another "new world", but this "new world" is not controlled by The glass balls in the hands of certain police officers, but a mixture of police officer blood and gangster wolves, is actually the best ending.

In the end, the hooligans will know martial arts, and no one can stop them.

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