control her or control love

Alan 2022-03-26 09:01:06

The heroine is a screenwriter. There is a little girl's imagination, which appears and then disappears inexplicably. It is not a hallucination, it is illogical, but it does not explain it. Think what you want, and it's not a sci-fi movie, so it doesn't hurt that this setup is illogical.
The male lead standard otaku setting. Wrote a best-selling novel with a good house and a good reputation. It means that he is famous and profitable, but Jiang Lang is only exhausted, and some can't get along. So suddenly a snail girl came one day.
Just imagine what would happen to you if someone suddenly appeared one day who loved you very much? How much will you cherish her? Do you cherish her, or is it her love for you?
Calvin started scoffing at the idea of ​​his brother that you could let her do everything you wanted her to do, telling him, I'm not going to write another word. However, when Ruby's world began to expand with the contact with the outside world, when her life became more than just Calvin, the panic of the otaku came as expected. A woman whose whole world belongs to him suddenly appears beside such a lonely person. This kind of transition from nothing to owning the world often makes people feel helpless, and inflation is inevitable. He no longer accepts her as part of it, he wants it all.
Passion alone is not enough for a long-term relationship. Two people are like standing on opposite ends of the scale, giving together and gaining together. When two people's positions are not balanced, the balance will collapse. Don't think it's happy to keep taking, unless you don't care that the relationship exists.
In the end, the accused Ruby left Calvin, and another Ruby appeared in reality. He no longer has the power to control her, but he should have more power to control love.

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Ruby Sparks quotes

  • Ruby Sparks: You don't get to decide what I do.

    Calvin Weir-Fields: Wanna bet?

  • Calvin Weir-Fields: I'm not writing about you. I wrote you. I made you up.