When religion becomes a form, when belief becomes a superstition

Lacey 2022-03-24 09:03:31

This is a real thing that happened in 2005.
It seems to be on the other side of the mountain far away, but it actually exists silently in everyone's life,
surrounded by the social environment around them, and the lingering thing is the existing system.
Not necessarily the Orthodox shown in the movie, it can be a heretic cult, it can be Catholic, it can be Christianity,
or even a religion from the East that has nothing to do with the Bible - Hinduism, Taoism...
Even beyond religion, it is a police station, a A hospital, or rather, a unit made up of groups.
As long as there is a common spiritual belief and a set of established systems is established and implemented,
no matter how sacred the original ideal is, it will only lead to tragedy when it comes to earth.

There is absolute truth in faith, and there are certain right and wrong.
What is righteous and what is unrighteous, there is a set of strict rules,
but what is more difficult to determine is the relative realm without clear boundaries.
Over time, the relative realm has become an absolute rule,
no longer starting from the sincerity, and after formulating it, it becomes a religion. activities, rather than sincere belief.

It is not wrong to hope to be closer to God, to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the world to worship God,
but when this behavior becomes a routine, or even evolves into a rigid constraint, the
original good intentions are distorted, and it goes against the true way. lesson.
Dividing the sacred place and separating one's own group from the worldly world, the
original intention is to let the gods in their hearts, so that they can gather together, help and love each other and become a family in the Lord;
but if dissidents are excluded, and unbelievers are not allowed to be with them, it is a hint Is it still God’s love if the leader of oneself is more spiritual, higher than others, and
only loves people of the same kind and does not love others?
Without basic acceptance and respect, is the gospel still complete?
I tried my best to ask uninvited guests to leave, perhaps for administrative reasons, but it lacked the spirit of God's great love.

Love God more than love the world. It is a good thing to give up material possessions on earth to follow God,
but just use this as an excuse to send away those who are determined to be ungodly. If you leave the path of following God, you may stumble upon unbelievers. ;
Rejecting everything from the outside world, lacking observation of the world, and believing that the West is depraved and corrupt, and every word in his mouth is powerful.
However, in order to operate a church, support the body, and relieve the poor, there are some worldly considerations,
so the first meeting with the priest, the dinner party and the work, the
topic It's all about money and material things. My mind is full of trivial matters. Inside the mountain is like outside the mountain. It is a good testimony
to love one's neighbor. Fellowship is only out of obedience rather than sincerity, and there is no meaning behind it to glorify God. The distance between reality and ideal is often inevitable; if there is love and sincere intention, it can be reduced to a mechanical form of execution. Confessing and repenting is the key to turning to God, so I hope to make the event solemn, and I don’t want to make any mistakes. But over time, quantifying sins, counting them item by item, reducing complexity to simplicity, and replacing details with numbers is just for convenience, how ironic, not asking for internal reasons, but asking for a list with reports and explanations, in order to strengthen its efficacy , everything is classified as a sin, and each sin must have its own name. The more careful the classification, the clearer the points, and the more efficient the recognition. The process of confessing sins is transformed into a procedure, which can be regarded as the acme of religious formula. Then fasting is counted, and it is a dead image, not a living god, who is kowtowing. There are calculations and rituals everywhere. Caring more about the dead than the living, the bishop cares more about the completion of the painting than the piety of the faithful;

Menstruation comes, blood-stained and dirty cannot enter the temple;
when images are seen as signs of miracles and become sacred,
when prayers become a tool to satisfy private emotional wishes,
when the human heart is ignored, when lifeless administrative tasks dominate the mind ,
because the elder brother is the only relative, regardless of his mental handicap, he is held responsible for the decision of another life. In the
end, even crossing the cross is just a habit like breathing, and there is no feeling.

Too close to the material world is a temptation, too far from social reality is also a test;
just as indifference is sinful, too zeal can also cause irreparable disaster.
Blame everything unusual to "sin" and "devil",
then is it possible that there is an unknown sin behind its abnormal performance? Can it be classified as a mental patient?
The paradox is that both can be established at the same time, and or not at all.
Suicidal masochistic tendencies, auditory hallucinations, and schizophrenia, is it a crime? Is it a devil attack?
Since it cannot be confirmed, it has become a true ghost story through word of mouth
among witnesses.

Praying is not only for the satisfaction of selfish desires,
but even if the prayer is for everyone but others, is it sure that the wish will come true?
Without the knowledge of God’s sovereignty, it is easy to fall into the myth of believing in the power of the prayer,
because the priest who prays has Gifts, so prayers are particularly effective, and gradually become the worship of personal leaders, rather than the true God they believed in at the beginning,
the great healer and the great exorcist are often the source of the idols that God expresses his hatred.
It is also terrifying to abuse individual testimony,
sticking to one's own known circles, and forgetting all kinds of problems in the world, which is not true faith.
If there is faith, there will be miracles, and if there is prayer, there will be light. It should not be used to blindly believe that prayers will try everything, and then you will be healthy and everything will be fine.

A nun with a kind face, full of benevolence and righteousness,
but in the name of love, she will hurt another body with a high-sounding,
whole-hearted belief, so she firmly persuades everyone to cooperate and complete the ritual of collective superstition.
If some people doubt, it can be inferred that their faith is not strong enough,
and then the priest recites a plausible, non-biblical prayer.
They have already made a decision in their hearts, but they aim to insist that others agree.
Wishful ignorance lies in the mountain and in Outside the mountains, inside the religion and the system, but also outside.

Forms and superstitions are due to the eyes of others, and they are not limited to the description of religion.
The former is seen by outsiders, while the latter is the common pressure of groups within the circle.
Therefore, the characters often have a certain distance from the camera,
because the expressions of each character need to be watched,
such as a strange other person on the hospital bed listening and watching, a private conversation between a doctor and a patient
; Outsiders break into its space, and after chatting and laughing, they are full of strange gazes and expressions;
like the changes in the eyes and movements of some people who cooperate with others during the exorcism process, the contrast between loud announcements and silent prayers.

There is one side of criticizing blind faith in religion, but also the other side of showing compassion and firm belief.
The distance of the camera does not play a role in objective presentation, but allows the audience to see the whole process from the perspective of God's omniscience, and then study and analyze.
There is no one-sided all right and all wrong, and the more you see, the more difficult it becomes to determine what is true and what is false.
The priest does not receive salary, and dedicates all his time to the monastery, but was abandoned by the bishop due to financial constraints.
He still believes that God will prepare for him, and he is still certain that this is only a short-term trial, which shows his confidence; the
priest also has rational control . When it comes to the overall situation, he denies the act of spontaneous fasting, and also advises believers not to blindly believe in symbols;
he also really cares about the troubled girl, and considers her friends as well, sending him to the hospital first, and taking the last step until the last resort.

The heroine's experience is an affirmation of regaining her faith.
From the suspicion of changing eyes, to the uneasiness of wandering and pacing,
the urge to ask for help for a moment, to revealing the original hair, blowing out the light, and completing the process of blindness,
no longer blindness, which can be seen in the changed clothes , dare to tell the truth, at this time the camera is only on her, and no longer scan the eyes of others.
She had the guilt of her conscience, because if she had gone together early in the morning, it would not have caused an accident.
At the juncture of getting on the bus if anyone participated, she took the initiative to admit the responsibility. That was the only "confession" from the heart in the whole story.
In the sound of ignorance and indifference, I believe this is a redemption given to her by the movie.

Without the rendering of music, without fast-forward editing, and
simulating the flow of real time, the entire recording was carried out calmly and slowly, which
also proved that mortals cannot be gods, and are not qualified to judge. They can only sigh and look forward to the arrival of spring.
Is anyone to blame? Has anyone made mistakes?
The greatest sin lies in the invisible system, and who is right?
Only God knows. Because only God doesn't make mistakes.

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Extended Reading

Beyond the Hills quotes

  • Priest: The man who leaves and the man who comes back are not the same.