a reasonably fake movie

Vaughn 2022-03-31 09:01:09

If everything allowed for a reasonable angle, then loving a fake David might also become uncontroversial. However, the world always has its own logic and norms for the question of "true and false". So when something is defined as a fake, his every stroke seems to be stuck with the breath of original sin. Even the most exquisite art can be recreated and criticized as the cheapest copy and paste. So when Abbas sat in Piazzale Michelangelo, the replica of "David" in front of him made him fall into infinite contemplation. He is very clear that fakes can never be treated as real ones; but he is even more aware that the so-called identification of true and false is often a slightly paranoid joke in the art world. Like the "Goddess of Anthem" shown in the movie. It wasn't until after World War II that people realized that it was a forgery from an 18th-century blacksmith, rather than a masterpiece of ancient Roman art. But its perfect interpretation of the original has earned it the title of "Original Copy" by the art gallery in Florence. Original, this is a word incompatible with Copy. And when this finally becomes an unimaginable word engraved in the corner of the art gallery, can we think that a fake is actually an independent body that reflects the true feelings?

So in "Copie conforme (legal copy)", we saw the process of Abbas making all unreasonable and reasonable films. At first, the hero and heroine didn't even know each other. At the male lead's new book launch, the female lead left a contact number as a fan, and then met, dated, and even quarreled inexplicably like this. Perhaps it is futile to describe the plot of the film. Because from start to finish, you can't be sure if it's the way it is, or not at all. You don't know, they know each other; you don't know, they hate each other; you don't know, they love each other. In the end, maybe you don't even know if they exist or not. And Abbas's skill is to be able to lock the feeling into a certain ongoing dialogue or eyes, so that you believe every detail in it, but doubt the idea of ​​​​the whole movie. So when these things accumulated to a certain extent, we finally accepted their specious husband and wife relationship in the scene at the cafe. They proceeded gradually, unhurriedly, starting with memories, and then, like every seasoned couple, began to quarrel. Every quarrel of theirs is so familiar, it seems that those trivial troubles are all the waste of life that we can understand. So, along with them, we become partner-loathing and life-loathing. Until they finally rested and sat in front of the hotel where they stayed on the first night of the "wedding", we had already completely believed that they were a pair of lively middle-aged lovers.

If the outline is the body of a painting, then the dialogue of this film, like the lines of a painting, induces the audience to become a participant and experiencer of a fake lover. And in the end, we couldn't justify it, because we found that it was all just a reflection of our private point of view, and no longer a logical metaphor for the real thing itself. We find and describe ourselves in every piece of art. And just like this, it may have been able to show that the influence of art on us goes far beyond the debate of its authenticity. So, back to the first sentence of the article. If everything is allowed to have a common sense angle, then the indicator of art is no longer theory and authenticity, but our heartfelt identity and private imagination. Any art that people can feel, we can inject into it through imagination, share its life, and even share our own suffering. So the meaning of a fake has since become a legitimate artistic existence; a Copie conforme. The meaning of film is also to tell us that the limits of art are not what we think we are, but what we are born with. And the best performance of all this may be the bizarre combination of words "Original Copy". Because only art can make "original" and "fake" together as a meaningful noun. But the meaning of this noun does not come from the literal meaning itself, but from the human feelings endowed by human beings.

This is also the reason why art is called art.

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Certified Copy quotes

  • Elle: Look at you wife, who has made herself pretty for you. Look. Open your eyes.

    James Miller: This is just not the moment. It's 5 o'clock, I'm hungry, I need a drink.

  • Elle: After we've seen so many copies of something over so many years, we're not all experts who can stand before an original and understand it. It takes our breath away. Therefore, without the existence of copies, we wouldn't understand originals.