why dragons are ugly like yaksha

Laurie 2022-03-23 09:02:03

Although there are many complaints, there are still some things worth mentioning in this film. First of all, as far as the two opposing races, the dragons and the demons, are concerned, the devil dies and burrows down into hell, and the dragon dies with a light rising to the clouds. This setting is not bad.
When the dragons are free, they squat in the church to decorate, which is also very interesting.
Then why is the dragon family so ugly, at first I thought it was the helper of the devil. I think that as two races that look alike, Frank's complaints are good. There is no difference between you two. These two are so ugly, but they can be transformed into human appearances. In the end, they want to express. have soul.
In the film, a symbol similar to [Feng] is used instead of the cross, for fear of offending people.
There are archangels in charge of the dragon clan. After all, they are a group of angels' thugs. If you can't get in touch with the Archangel, it doesn't matter.
The special effects are okay, the plot is simple, not rigorous.
The Resident Evil clone production base copied from the corpse factory.

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I, Frankenstein quotes

  • Leonore: When I met you, my first thought was to have you destroyed. But then I looked into your eyes. And you know what I saw there? Not a soul, but the potential for one.

  • Leonore: The Gargoyle Order was commanded into being by the Archangel Michael. It is our sacred duty to wage war against the demon horde, the 666 legions of hell-born creatures unleashed by Satan after his fall from heaven. Humans think of us as mere decoration. They do not know, nor can they conceive, the brutal unseen war being fought around them every day. A war that may one day determine the fate of all mankind.