doomsday philosopher

Devonte 2022-03-23 09:03:00

At first, I thought it was a film about philosophy, because the title was too straightforward; after reading the introduction, I thought it was a disaster film about the end of the world, but with philosophy as the main line; When the girls were in the classroom, they thought it was a movie where a group of people discussed philosophy together. It was not until the end that I realized that this was a childish behavior of the teacher breaking the vinegar bottle and pulling the whole class to make props in order to embarrass the rival. Can I say that this is a pit?

It is a very bold act for the movie to describe a teacher-student love triangle (let's call it a triangle for now) in the name of a high-ranking person. Because they themselves know that they can trick the audience into watching, but they will definitely attract complaints. But the clever thing about this film is that it uses philosophy as the main line. It is philosophy and it is based on logic, and this logic has different routines for different people, so some audiences who don’t know much about philosophy want to complain but can’t find a point to complain. Audiences who understand philosophy also know that this film is a pit, and they are too lazy to compare it with you.

In the movie, in the first two disasters, the poet was directly shot to death, which also shows the teacher's contempt for culture. Post-disaster reconstruction and human continuation, all he thinks of are the best points selected based on "logic", but he ignores that culture is also an indispensable point for human continuation.

In fact, what I find more interesting about this film is that after the male pig found out that the teacher used the magic box to make his occupation fixed, he did not continue to ask why the female pig's occupation was also fixed (the female pig's occupation is impeccable, absolutely It won't be brushed off), but said to herself that she would do it again, and the girl piggy also promptly said she wanted to do it again, so why the girl piggy got special treatment was skipped by everyone. I especially want to know how the teacher will end up if the male pig or someone else asks this question, "teaching" for the male pig, and what is it for the female pig? (It's just love)

At the end of the film, I still want to like the picture of the three teachers going upstairs. Although the main line of the whole story is basically at the end of the film: the philosophy of doomsday has been completely overturned by the film itself, but the teacher's inner drama still pulled back a city, bringing the story that has changed to an end. Eating a sandwich, shooting suicide, the girl pig flashed through the picture and got an epiphany, expressing the teacher's three feelings. In the end, I watched it, put it down, and this farce was over.

Finally, send a message to the teacher, even if the male pig is not worthy of the female pig, even if you are a good match for the female pig, if she doesn't like you, she just doesn't like you. Emotional matters cannot be explained by rational logic and philosophy, even if it is facing the end of the day.

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After the Dark quotes

  • Petra: We live... briefly, yes. Imperfectly? Of course. Stupidly? Sometimes. But we don't mind, because that's the way we're made. And when it's time to die, we don't resist death; we summon it.

  • Mr. Zimit: Do you know what apocalypse actually means?

    Petra: Tell me.

    Mr. Zimit: It's from the Greek "apokálypsis", meaning to uncover what you couldn't see before... a way out of the dark.

    Petra: Your sweet talk still needs work.