Don't worry, don't care, don't pretend, that's fine

Darion 2022-03-24 09:03:14

Whenever a director is willing to project his own life experience, perception of life, his world view and love view into the story, and make it into his own movie, everything always wants to appear real and charming. With sincerity, a little more sentiment or feelings, a little more charming characters and characters, and a little more infectious love, everything can be equated with perfection. I'm so happy, it's almost all here!
The charming romantic atmosphere emanating from the inside out, this weekend, I don't know you, you don't know me, but we are attracted to each other like this, and the relationship between people is lifted. So sunny and weird. It is such a film that is unknown from director to starring, without any commercial promotion, and has won praise no less than Oscar nominees. When a one-night stand becomes a work of art, it's - "Weekend Time"!

I have seen many movies and found that most of them are relatively simple in expression, or the themes are more prominent. A marginalized situation always accompanies the story. In the same situation, "Weekend Time" naturally incorporates the reality of young people's living conditions and self-worth into this two-day story.
We all have many fantasies and longings about meeting. Some meet, once in a lifetime, either fall in love or pull down; some meet once a year, although they fall in love, they still can't be together. The encounter in the movie "Weekend Time" was met several times over the weekend, and it was not until the moment of parting that they suddenly found out that they found and believed in true love in a one-night stand.

Yes, the world is too big, we have to separate, run for work and family. But the good news is that the world is so big, we still met. A warm cup of coffee the next morning. Two strangers told why they chose each other last night. He chuckled from time to time, and his sharp eyes made this ambiguity just right.
Our personalities are very different, one is destined to fly high and free, the other is habitually quiet, but compose a song from sex to love in 48 hours. At the end of the movie, on the farewell platform, embarrassed hugs and kisses attracted boos and whistles from others. Yes, we ignore them. . .
I spent a weekend with you and I have the character of Russell and you have the idea of ​​Glen. You and I talk and talk to each other, laugh and laugh, look and see, and roll and roll. Only in my own room is the most relaxed, don't worry, don't care, don't pretend, this is very good, maybe one day I go out a little bit and dare to do things that I cared too much about and never did. I want to tell you that it was because of you, because of that weekend, because of letting you go. . .


I especially like the words "Weekend Time" and "Brokeback Mountain" written by a bean friend: This The two films are completely contradictory stylistic approaches, like the north and south poles of a magnet, lacking the context in which they can be put together and compared. Brokeback Mountain stretches the time line, and the isolated love between Jack and Ennis takes twenty years as the dimension, which is endowed with the weight of life and death, but the weekend time is just the opposite, completely narrowing the emotional waves , compressed into a paltry weekend, and then zoomed into every conversation, every fight, every bedtime in between. If Brokeback Mountain is a towering tree, weekend time is like a carefully tailored bonsai. Its branches and leaves are not lush, and its roots and stems are not deep and broad. It moves vertically and horizontally in a limited world, but it unexpectedly creates a heart-warming effect. You don't need to sell male sex, you don't need a big investment, you can be brilliant just by relying on the script and dialogue.
The dialogue is what impressed me the most about the movie. Considering that the whole film is basically propped up by two people's dialogue, I think it can be directly moved to Broadway and become a drama (of course, some XXOO may be subtracted). The film's lines are smooth, but full of unexpected novelties - for example, Glen said that he wanted to "redraw himself" by changing the environment, and everyone around him was hiding his pencil; for example, Russ only allowed Glen to see and not touch In his armpit, Glen teased that you think that there is a museum; and the paragraph that freezes the "room with a view" to jerk off is even more amazing...

The director's regrets are also scattered in these chats, we are difficult in life They are fighting for the right to speak, but they don't even know where they can go? Just like Glen confronted Russell, how different would it be in America? He couldn't answer.

Several freeze-frame shots at the beginning of the movie aimed at different corners of the apartment, silently and silently, and the simple and plain beginning injected a real and tactile texture into the movie, which runs through the entire viewing process.

The usual friends, meetings, parties, conversations made Russel a little bored, a little tired, and a little bit eager for excitement. So, Russel left the party early and went to the rave bar, waiting for a long-awaited weekend meeting.
Of course, Russel just hooked up with Glen, just like the usual one-night stand.

After a night of fun, the two were sober and rational. Glen starts his art project - interviewing sexual experiences. The plot setting is interesting, for Glen, at least he thinks sex is not about love, and having sex with different people is just for his artistic study.

In the morning in the apartment, a hot cup of coffee, a gesture to sit down, a sentence I smell your toothpaste, a tape recording of a memory of last night, let Russel and Glen enjoy a short morning in bed after a one-night stand, Real and natural, freehand and warm.

During the day on Saturday, they each needed to go to work, so they made an appointment with Glen to pick up Russel from get off work. Bike all the way back to learn about each other's work; in the kitchen, cook and talk about life values; on the couch, start touching each other's bodies and have sex. Under Glen's affectionate gaze, Russel was often unknowingly shy and timid—a man who loved the texture of old things.

Before leaving, Glen informed Russel that he would leave the UK for the US tomorrow, for two years, for career and study.

On the day before parting, they separated and met again, many times, many times. In the evening, they had a party at the bar again, and Russel tried to integrate into Glen's life, friends, and career; they also went to the amusement park. In front of ordinary bumper cars and cotton candy, the big man showed a sweet and happy little look.

Returning to the apartment late at night, they took drugs and wandered together. They were as happy as gods, but they were almost never quiet. They quietly talked about the emotional experiences they had deeply invested in, as well as their recognition and struggle for gay identity. During the period, there were different opinions, there were contradictions and arguments, and there were arguments and insistence.
That night, the arguments were suspended, one went to wash his face, and the other went to smoke. Afterwards, by the window, they approached, stroked, hugged, and kissed the same way, and finally lay on the bed, chatting against the pillow and falling asleep.

Another morning, this is the second morning after they met.

Glen handed him his hand-brewed coffee, and Russel watched him get dressed and parted again.

Like Russel and his friends said, two days are really nothing, they haven't really gotten to know each other yet. The movie talks about two people really like each other during those two days, which is the actual situation. But before that, the two often had a one-night stand. It was normal to say that they broke up after dawn, and there must be some disconnected after dawn. Therefore, for Russel and Glen, two-night stands are two-night stands, and neither of them will really become cancerous. But after two days, the world is different, and no matter who it is, it is inevitable to feel melancholy.
Russel was hesitant to go to see him off, but finally decided to rush to the train station after being persuaded by a friend to wake up.
The farewell scene is as simple as the movie's temperament. Faintly reluctant to give up, but refuse to be provocative, there is no reluctant language to retain, and there is no promise of love that lasts forever, so there will not be a complete and beautiful love story here in the end, after all, this is just a meeting.

Even though the week is over, at the moment of the end, Russell looked out the window, the sound came from the tape recorder again, and brought back so much nostalgia and sadness. After the last sentence in the film, Just start from the beginning when you saw me (just start from the beginning when you saw me), and the next sentence is still on the tape recorder. The film ends in such a suspicious and reminiscent way. The ending song follows, and that's it, I can't forget it.
The director is so smart! Because, when I start watching from their conversation, I feel like the last sentence, Just start from the beginning when you saw me, brings me to the beginning again, like this tape can be played back.

Therefore, the screenwriter successfully deceived the tears of the whole world, which is actually just a function of the movie. The end of love in "Weekend" is due to the transcendence of love. At the end, if Russell does chase Glen back from the station, the movie is left with a love theme, but obviously it has something else to say.

Remember Raymond Carver's "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love" that love is nothing but a memory, maybe not even a memory. I think some love will at least become a good memory for each other. As short as fireworks, but not as bright as fireworks.
meet! Maybe I met you is the most beautiful accident! Maybe it takes all your luck to meet you in your lifetime!

In addition to the theme of love, the two leading actors actually represent two different young groups. Russel is gentle, affectionate and righteous, but has low self-esteem. The identity of homosexuality makes him timid in heterosexual society and crowds, he is used to hiding himself, so his friends are a group of friendly heterosexuals. It was his inferiority complex and timidity that made him feel comfortable being a lifeguard in a swimming pool. At this time, feelings (including love) became an important manifestation of his personal value. Glen, who is emotionally restrained, is cynical and pretentious. Although his crappy views can be seen everywhere in the film, his understanding of himself is clear. As he said, "Facing a stranger on a one-night stand, it's like you get a blank canvas and you want to paint your desired self, and people want to have that opportunity, but what really happens is when you paint When you are your ideal self, the difference between ideal and reality will tear you apart, and in this crack, you can see what binds you and prevents you from being your ideal self.” From this, it can be seen that he has a An uneasy consideration of the status quo, which directly shows that although he also likes Russel, he knows that he has to portray his ideal self, to find his place, and that is urgently love.

Leaving is their inevitable choice, and it is also the film's expression of reality outside of love.
In addition to love, but also to find another self, that is more important.
Why can't we face the ideal self through love, because we have love and also have the opportunity to make ourselves perfect.

The world is so big, though, they still met. It's just that life didn't stop because of them, and it won't give them any more retention, no more crying, no more time to say goodbye. With the departure of the train, only the courage to continue living is left for them!

After all, open interpersonal relationships cannot stop at desire, it must return to the emotion itself, just like Glen finally returned the tape to Russell in the film, if the tape represents pure sex, he still can't completely separate sex and love, So what comes from love gives back to love, that is not ready to bear that weight, or to let itself go.

He is unrestrained, bold and brave, while he is nostalgic, kind, honest and shy, maybe they really love each other, but they have to leave soon. The weekend time spent together quietly silenced each other, and gained more understanding of life, deeper identification with self-identity, and firmer belief in love.

At the end, Russell's brave kiss, just like the two boys in the early film "Good Things" in the early years of the movie "Good Things" in front of the crowd embraced and danced with courage, like everyone, even if there is a predictable ending, being brave for love once is all that decides to believe. Stupid things that people you love do.

When it came to an abrupt end, the prelude of the music Marz sounded quickly, and I immediately felt a violent shock in my heart! Somewhat lost. There are no extra words, but it doesn't matter, "Let's start when you meet me." In
two days, we can also meet for a century. "Why are you here... Damn it!" "I didn't come to stop you from leaving, really not..."

It was the confidant who got married, the Taoist priest who remarked unscrupulously when he saw homosexuals together on the roadside, yes A passerby accidentally watched two people happily and romantically riding a bicycle and smiled. As a friend, he listened to a friend who said that he confessed to his parents, "It's your fault, whether you are born or acquired, so you can find a way to accept it." Parents say "I couldn't be more proud of you than you were the first man on the moon" to the kids who just came out to you, and you seem to know them, but you never know them.

The outside world is very big. When you look at the window from the outside, you will only see a picture, or kiss or side by side, but you can never guess the story of the many shapes and colors behind it.
We are small, we are helpless. But that's okay, maybe, the beauty of life is that you can never guess what you'll encounter or lose next weekend.

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Weekend quotes

  • Glen: I know what artists sound like when they talk about their art, so I am not going to sit around and sound like a cunt.

    Russell: Well, it's a good thing you are not an artist yet, then, isn't it?

    Glen: Ohh, verrry funny!

  • Glen: [Glen winking at Russell] What?

    Russell: [Russell staring at Glen] Nothing.

    Glen: You look like you want to kiss me.

    Russell: I do.

    Glen: Go on then.

    Russell: Not here, I can't.

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