Proud peers

Ines 2022-03-23 09:02:12

This movie is touching, and the friendship between women can rarely appear on the screen in such a beautiful and harmonious state. The film has some feminist colors, but more of it is actually human nature.
There are two friendships in different time and space in the film, which are interlaced. One is Aveline and Nini who exist as leads. Aveline is a middle-aged woman who has suffered from her husband's cold reception and hopes to make up for it through coursework, while Nini is an optimistic and talkative old man who is lonely in hospital. They met and chatted in the hospital, and Nini told Evelyn about the past friendship between Aggie and Ruth. Aggie is a withdrawn, rebellious tomboy girl who is even more indifferent when her only brother, Buddy, unexpectedly passes away, and Ruth is brought in to help her. And Ruth is a traditional lady who abides by religious etiquette. Under the contact with Ruth, she also becomes open and casual, until Aggie helps Ruth get rid of the domestic violence of her unscrupulous husband and leads her to start a new life. At this time, Ruth was completely herself. Although the setbacks and hardships of life are not far away, but with Ai Ji walking all the way, she is free and relaxed at the moment.
Inspired by Aggie's story, Aveline learns to be independent and powerful. She no longer revolves around her husband, she started exercising and losing weight for her health, and she faced the bullying of others instead of being at a loss as before. Between her and Nini, it's like passing on the love of fried green tomatoes, and inheriting the friendship like Aggie and Ruth. This idealized state of friendship persists even as times change.
Why aren't we impressed? Aggie, she really lived out her high-spirited attitude without any lethality. She is a guy who is so willing to help others and has no fear. Where is she, what gender concept, racial concept, let all these nasty things go to hell. Although she resists love, cherishing her same-sex friendship with Ruth allows her to be at ease.
The real feminism is humanism, it just demands the equality of human nature. It's pursuing a right, like the line in "The Endless Flower": "When she says no, she just doesn't want it."
I remember in court, the judge asked Ruth why she was going with Aggie, and Lu Silk said:
She is my best friend. I love her.
At that moment, I didn't have any other associations, I was just struck by a pure friendship. The truest friendship between women is long and gentle, delicate but not weak.
It is enough to have a confidant in life, and the world should treat it with the same heart!

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Fried Green Tomatoes quotes

  • Ninny Threadgoode: That frying pan did more than fry chicken that night.

  • Ninny Threadgoode: It's good to see you're so happy, and you've slimmed down quite a bit these last few weeks.

    Evelyn Couch: I'm just so happy, Big George and Idgie got off. I would've killed Frank Bennett if I coulda. Did anybody really think Idgie murdered him?

    Ninny Threadgoode: Some said yes, some said no. The only person who really knew the answer to that was Frank Bennett, and you know what they say, dead men tell no tales.