unusual spy action movie

Bradford 2022-09-18 01:19:00

It's actually 3.5 points. The reason why it can't be higher is that the plot of this film really can't stand scrutiny. Even netizens who scored high on imdb said at the beginning, don't watch this film too seriously. In addition, I am a fan of Costner, and I have a preference for this film, so I deducted a little bit from the score.

The highlight is the warm family theme interspersed between the action scenes. Neither sensational nor vulgar, and often hilarious. That's why I say this film is "unusual".

I always feel that Kosner's acting skills are not good enough, and everything he acts is that old face, but why is it so pleasing to the eye?

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3 Days to Kill quotes

  • [last lines]

    Zooey Renner: Is dad a bad ass?

    Christine Renner: Well, he's, um... he's done some things.

    Zooey Renner: You think Dad's gonna stick around?

    Christine Renner: As long as he can, Sweetheart. He loves you so much.

  • Vivi Delay: Breathe, Ethan. It will hit you morphine-quick. One way or another... I will make you feeI better.