unhappy nostalgia

Lelia 2022-03-24 09:02:05

Jarmusch is an American with European literary and artistic feelings.
The plot of this vampire filmed by Ya can basically be called no plot, but it is surprisingly consistent with the central idea of ​​a dream about vampires I had. It's not about the love in it, the love in this story isn't my focus - maybe my focus is just skewed, well, this is obviously a story with love as its title. The whole time I watched them lead such a cold, silent and boring life that even the most sophisticated art, literature, science, whatever... couldn't save them.
It's a little funny and a little weird and cute, and I don't find it annoying, and it doesn't even reveal despair. I like this kind of cold unhappy that isn't too rambunctious. This is not a story of roaring disdain and anger, and this is not a story of pursuing "shallow novelty" - not that novelty must be shallow, but novelty (I think) there is a type of novelty that can be called shallow - , is not a rebellious story. If I have to say it, it is probably that, like some movies made by European directors, it sees the bad of this life and feels a little unhappy, but because it is a little cautious He is nostalgic and does not want to curse loudly, so he chooses a lazy and a bit alienated way to express his unhappiness.
So I kind of like it.

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Only Lovers Left Alive quotes

  • Ava: Yeah! Adam's gonna take us out!

    Adam: No, Adam is Not going to take you out!

    [cut to them all out at a nightclub]

  • Eve: [Adam is exhausted and starving, can barely stand up and Eve has to prop him up against the wall] No funny business!