Jonathan U'r So Hot!

Eduardo 2022-04-19 09:02:04

As a fan of Jonathan's brain, I'm about to be turned into dementia by the nympho!
This movie is a 5 out of 5 for me.
It is really old-fashioned to slow down and think about the plot.
A lot of things don't feel unfolded.
The plot is very tight but a little too tight...
There are definitely clues that can be digged deeper into the fact that his girlfriend is a terrorist.
It should be the kind of multiple confrontations that reveal clues to be enjoyable.
And that girlfriend and friend...
is the actor who appeared in the new edition of The Bible as Modara and Maria...
I really think it's a good dance...
Dear Jonathan, your role is too simple...
Use your brain to think about your girlfriend and good friend who looks like a Middle Eastern person, and even met you in a brothel when you were on a mission...
What are the odds of this Nima! ?
Even with your heels, you know that her mother has something to do with terrorists!
Anyway... This
film is still very suitable for watching and spending time while chewing popcorn and complaining.

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Extended Reading

From Paris with Love quotes

  • James Reece: [Mocking Wax's earlier statement] Wax on, Wax off.

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: What about it?

    James Reece: I don't get it. Are you The Karate Kid or something?

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: If you wanna be a secret agent man, you have to roll like a secret agent man. It's code.

    James Reece: Code?

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: Yeah. Code. Wax is on, he's gonna take you off. Gives them something to think about, throws them off balance. Got it?

    James Reece: Got it.

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: Good.

  • FBI agent Charlie Wax: [after buying 5 grams of cocaine] All right, give me a kilo.

    Rashid: A kilo? You think this is Bogota?

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: What the fuck am I gonna do with five grams?

    Rashid: [pulling out a gun] Maybe you can sniff it off of your homeboy's ass.