
Jaime 2022-03-24 09:02:11

Errors do not come from our planet, but from theories of our own
unconscious and self-defense mechanisms, theories of personality structure, the interpretation of dreams, etc.
Lloyd's view on the structure of the mind: Human's mental activities are divided into two levels: conscious and unconscious. The unconscious refers to the psychological activities and psychological processes that the individual is not aware of. The unconscious is the deep structure of people's psychological activities. Because some instinctive impulses and desires are contrary to social morality and one's own reason, they cannot be directly satisfied and can only be suppressed to the unconscious. middle. Depression is one of the strategies of the self-defense mechanism, and its function is to relieve various anxiety, tension and pain caused by setbacks and psychological pressure. Various neurotic symptoms appear.
Freud's personality structure theory divides personality into three parts: id, ego, and superego. The general characteristics of the three are as follows:
Id----Biological Instinct Desire--------Following the Pleasure Principle
Self-Coordinator of Id\Superego\Reality-- -Following the principle of reality Superego
----conscience and morality---------------Following the principle of morality The conscious structure
of a person with this kind of personality power is

composed of conscious, preconscious and subconscious, and the subconscious plays an important role in people's spiritual activities. People's childhood experiences, especially traumatic experiences, are hidden in people's unconsciousness and have a significant impact on adult personality characteristics and behavior. Based on the
determinism of sexual desire, it points out that the essence of dreams is the indirect satisfaction of deep unconscious desires. Dreams are an expression of desires in the subconscious. Due to the relaxation of the censorship of consciousness during sleep, various desires repressed during the day appear and are satisfied in disguise. In fact, dreams can be divided into two levels: appearance and hidden meaning: appearance is the mask of hidden meaning, covering all kinds of desires (hidden meaning). Dreams are disguised in four ways: condensation, displacement, figuration, and second-degree decoration

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Spellbound quotes

  • John Ballantine: I'm haunted, but I can't see by what!

  • Dr. Alex Brulov: I congratulate you and wish you have babies, not psychoses.