Two Destinies——Thoughts from Watching Sandra Bullock's "Desperate Sensations"

Rocio 2022-03-24 09:02:25

On the big screen, Sandra Bullock's somber atmosphere is full of uncertain emotional rhythms, but she is by no means a person who loves complexity. "Desperado" is the work of Bullock in 2007.

I have said to my students that "wherever there is a cycle, there should be a balance". The fate of being dismembered is unbelievably pinched again. In such a seemingly messy experience, it is precisely the people who are at a loss to "force" a long-standing metaphorical main line through stripping the cocoons, so as to make the fate logical. What is this main thread? I think it is another kind of destiny, another kind of destiny that cannot be seen, comprehensible, and has no rules to be found, and it exists at the same time as our destiny in reality. Both destinies are weights at each end of the scale that traverses the world from the inside out after we are born. The weights of fate are on both ends of the scale, and it is difficult to say which one is placed first and which is placed later, which is heavier and which is lighter. Balancing and salvation are clearly seen as one here.

Destiny in reality is too close to us, just like the burning mask, once the shape of the face is found, it is difficult to mortgage and discard, so it becomes another face, everyone has it, and everyone is different. Everyone hides under this face all the time and walks the world breathlessly, looking for something, lost and found, gained and lost.

Another destiny, perhaps it existed before us, but inhabited by our existence. This all-in-itself destiny has only the shape it should have, but not the shape it has. That's why we can be naked and stretch our limbs in front of it as much as possible; and those who are reticent will feel empty, but not at the end of the road, no matter when and where, the direction of the tap of the finger is still traceable.

In reality, we are inseparable all the time, so there are various expressions, such as "alive", "life/death", "self", "existence" and so on, or just call it "destiny". ".

Another kind of fate has been ignored by us and him. People can't find a precise name, so let's replace it with a common word for the time being! --"Love".

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