"The White House"

Elyssa 2022-03-25 09:01:09

If you don't talk about politics, there seems to be no slot. Americans are very good at telling stories in a short period of time. After watching a movie, when people ask you what you said, they always seem to have an indescribable expression on their faces. This is their kung fu, and they cannot accept it.
I think the climax of the film will vary from person to person. I think in the scene of Kennedy's assassination in 1961, Cecil slumped on the ground and said, "they took his head off", which made me understand the soul and contradictions of the protagonist at once. where. The feud with his son Louis is also Cecil's battle with himself during his 20-year career in the White House, and can only be resolved by ignoring reality.
The death of his younger son in Vietnam was a huge blow to Cecil, and for the first time, I saw hatred and disappointment in the eyes of his face to the president.
The boss tells him that you have two faces, one for yourself and one for when you serve them. Cecil knew it well, but he was still confused at the age of nearly 80. This battle with Louis and himself was finally over. The one who won was not Louis, but Cecil's own soul. This time, he used his own face, put on the Kennedy tie that Mrs. Kennedy had given him, and walked into the White House, facing Obama, as if he was the owner of the White House and the presidents were only long-term guests of the tavern.

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Lee Daniels' The Butler quotes

  • title card: Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

  • Freddie Fallows: Are you political, Mr. Gaines?

    Cecil Gaines: No, sir.

    Freddie Fallows: Good. We have no tolerance for politics at the White House.