"Zu and Zhan": The whirlwind of life blows us round and round

Durward 2022-03-26 09:01:09

Original address: http://www.qh505.com/blog/post/2372.html

One woman, one man, two men, three men, asymmetrical figures, asymmetrical men and women, is love free from moral shackles ? Is it to build a sincere and pure kingdom of self? Towards a seductive and absurd utopia? When love and faith change from the stone sculpture with a charming smile on the corner of the mouth to a beautiful and wild queen, what kind of rope can be used to pull the power leading to tragedy? In the end, life or like the car that was thrown into the lake, reached the end with a kind of madness, is it martyrdom? Or liberation? It's just that in the limited ripples, there is no more laughter, no more sex, no more loyalty and betrayal, no more flesh and war, just a box world of four squares, which is settled and silent as the source of life that has failed.

Zu and Zhan, two men, two men from different countries, are supported by a friendship that transcends borders. Zu, a German stranger, met Zhan in Paris. In their friendship world, there is Shakespeare and literature. , there is the detachment of "seeing money as dung", of course, there are also women. But in the different worlds of Zu and Zhan, women always appear in different ways. Zhan who writes novels is always surrounded by a lot of women, including widows, girls, and Jiaobei who he loves. In the world, he just thinks of Lucy in the German countryside - the distant memory is actually just a symbol, for Zu, the simplicity and fragility make his world show a conformist life, he is always the sand in the hourglass When the light leaked, she went to bed, and Tychus, the dusty woman who had no place to sleep that night, met Zu, she was wild and unrestrained, blowing a cigarette that was like the smoke of a steam engine, but she never entered Zu's world, the so-called sleep was just A way to spend the night, without love, and leave the next day to be in the arms of another man.

In the transcendental world of literature and art, Zu Hezhan saw the statue in Abba's slideshow, with thick lips that set off a smile. This is a charming statue, and it is also a symbol of beauty that has entered them from now on. It entered the life of Zu, entered the life of Zhan, and entered the life of Abha. And when this sculpture was resurrected, it was a living woman, a woman named Catherine, a beautiful, smart, and cunning woman, and this resurrection will be an inescapable catastrophe for both Zu and Zhan. A beautiful robbery, a human robbery, a life robbery.

Her mother is British, her father is an aristocrat, but Katherine, a teacher, does not follow traditional moral restraints. She smokes cigars, she dresses up as a man to do "experiments" on the street, and she and two men laugh and ride in the wild and run wildly. ——She is always in the front, like a guide, in the world of two men. They searched for fragments of civilization in the wild, and those postcards, cans, ceramics, cups and cigarette butts were symbols of human abandonment. Searching often meant discarding and being rejected. On that beach, Catherine talked about the novel she had read. , she said that in the novel, the sky is likened to a bubble, people are walking towards the center, there is a shell outside, and outside the shell, there is a force pulling them. Therefore, people outside the shell hope to see everything in the bubble and see the core of the world, but there is always a force that prevents them from preventing this search.

The shell is actually hard, and Catherine broke it with an almost rebellious madness. Her idol since childhood was Napoleon. Revolutionary and rebellious ideals made her a ruler, one who destroyed that hard The intruder of the shell, and the two men in front of her, responded to her rebellion and madness in different ways. At the end of a movie, Zu was questioning the heroine in the movie, and his identity was not clearly explained. "I didn't even tell the audience whether she was a virgin or not." Because he likes faithful women, but this kind of loyalty is not traditional moral meaning. On the other hand, he also longed for a sincere love full of literary meaning. When the literary youth and three girls from afar were sitting around the dining table, Zu once said: "Let's get rid of the red tape, don't be like the tradition. Hand in hand, let's touch our feet." Hand in hand and feet touching feet, is it a subversion of tradition? In fact, this is just a stable life built in Zu's heart. He is like the hourglass, sticking to the rules in his own world, and even subversion is only a rule of his own world.

So in the face of the loyal view of love, Catherine countered his point of view with a frenzy. On the way to the end of the movie, Catherine suddenly stood on the bridge, and then jumped into the Seine without warning, leaving only splashes and a top Beautiful hat, the two men were stunned, they were almost at a loss in the face of this crazy behavior, and Catherine, who was taken up from the water, had no pain at all, she was sitting wet in the car with a smile on her face. The two men became an outlier: "Catherine smiled like a winning general." She has always been a ruler, and she has always stood on the top and fought back against society in her own way. When she was carrying her luggage, she burned those love letters in front of Zhan. In her opinion, love letters with rhetoric were lies, and burning these lies with flames was her view on love. She even kept a bottle of sulfuric acid in her possession. What does she do, Catherine said, I'm going to deal with men who lie.

The madness brings violence, and the domination of others brings harm to himself. This is the paradox of Catherine's life. In the later love and marriage life, he is indeed difficult to escape from such a paradox, and finally uses the plan of death. The way took me away, and also took away the account that I deeply loved but constantly doubted. Burning love letters in front of Zhan, but burning her own skirt, Catherine's tragedy planted the seeds when she was alone with Zhan for the first time. That time we met at the cafe, Zhan went very early, but in the end it was Catherine's missed appointment, and when Zhan regretted leaving, Catherine came in a hurry. For them, the loss was doomed. Not only in time, but also in their mad love. Zhan Zeng said to Zu who loved Catherine deeply: "She is a ghost, not a good wife and mother, she will make men miserable." Catherine who missed it later became Zu's wife and returned to Germany with Zu.

And such a loss also ushered in the First World War, which was like a barrier between a woman and two men, or a barrier between Zhan and Zu and Catherine's marriage. For Zu, Catherine is still a sustenance in his heart, a smiling sculpture, a goddess. On the front line of the war, he kept writing letters to Catherine. The love in the letter became an obsession that materialized into the flesh. "I don't love your soul because I've lost faith. I just want your body, your ass, your breasts, and our son in your belly. This is the truest scene of war. "The war has separated them thousands of miles, one is on the front line, the other is in the rear, one is facing death at any time, and the other is clinging to home and the child in his belly. There are guns, explosions and death outside. For Zu, war can not only destroy beliefs, destroy the yearning for life, but also easily kill life, so love becomes a kind of redemption in war. The friendship between Zu and Zhan was also tested during the war. They represent their own countries, but in fact, the two countries are enemies, so once they meet on the battlefield, they may kill each other at any time.

They want to serve their country on a battlefield that has nothing to do with them. Rather than saying that the war is just an episode, it is better to say that the metaphor of war is more of a destruction of the original human nature. They are far away from literature and art, far away from love and friendship. . When that war ended, Zu and Zhan's reunion was not a dialogue between the warriors of the victorious country and the defeated country. They were also called friends and faced the same woman again. Zu said: "In German, war, death, and the moon belong to men, but the sun and love belong to women, and life is asexual." The attributes of words actually symbolize Zu's definition of life. What he wants is natural and harmonious. , Simple life, no entanglement, no conflict. For Zhan, who traveled, wrote, translated and lived in the world after the war, the war was a kind of fiction and imagination. He told a love story during the war. Men kept writing letters to women, missing love and the flesh, because for the For men, the violence in the trenches, the collective madness and the fear of death are inescapable. It is the destruction brought about by war. War has always been a struggle for a person. Later, men are injured. Missing, died in the pain of surgery.

In the war, no matter who is the winner or the loser, it is lucky for Zu and Zhan, because they did not meet and become enemies in the war, because they survived the war. But that love, that Catherine in front of her changed Zu and Zhan. Zhan came to Zu and Catherine's house, saw their daughter, and saw their smiling and harmonious life, but in fact this marriage was in danger. The ancestors told Zhan that Catherine was confused and crazy behind the calm. She ruled the family like her childhood idol Napoleon. She often changed her temperament and her words hurt people. In Catherine's life, there will always be lovers. Or more, including that Abba who was showing the statue's slideshow. "I'm afraid that she will leave us, and there will always be a time." Zu, who was in pain, could get used to Catherine's infidelity to his marriage, but he couldn't tolerate her leaving. Zu Xianzhan is versatile. He once said that he also wanted to write a novel, a novel about love, but through the perspective of insects, it was love in the insect world. That is to say, through the war, Zu's love for Catherine has completely become a symbol, even a symbol that has lost the original meaning of love. It is just an empty shell, and even the body has disappeared. In Catherine’s conversation with Zhan that night, Catherine also told Zhan that when she got married, it was because Catherine liked Zu’s generosity, simplicity and vulnerability. She hoped that she could heal his wounds, but they always had different understandings of life. can't face each other calmly. This difference of understanding may also be due to the freedom that Catherine has always had. On the eve of her marriage to Zu, she also fooled around with her former boyfriend, married after being scolded by her mother, and their daughter nine months after the outbreak of the war. Birth, and the birth of a daughter is not a condition for the consolidation of love. Catherine said to Zu, she is like you, I have given birth to a daughter for you, let's separate, I want to be free.

In Catherine's view, love is no longer love after marriage, war, and the birth of a daughter. In other words, for Zu, she has never maintained love in a loyal way. , has always been the freedom of self-life, and has always been "fantasizing about meeting him in the elevator, getting pregnant with his child in the elevator, and never seeing him again". So Zhan's arrival reminded her of the flames that accidentally burned her skirt when carrying luggage, the late and missed coffee shop appointment, and the special feeling that emerged after the reunion was also a kind of love? For Zhan, he also did not forget the past contacts and the faint temptation in his heart, "I want to take a risk." This is what Zhan said to Zu. In fact, Zu for Catherine, just hoped that she would not disappear in his life. , don't end the marriage by leaving, so when Zhan proposed the "adventure", Zu told Zu in an extraordinary way: "If you like her, don't use me as a barrier." So Zhan, Zu With Katherine, and even with Abba, an incredible but subtle multi-dimensional relationship has formed: Zhan moved in from another house to live with Katherine, and Zu also lived in the same house, and Abba always came to talk to him. Catherine sings the newly written love song together - Abba is a special being, he is not deeply in love with Catherine's symbolic love like Zu, and he is not involved in Catherine's love game like Zhan, he is also open and honest Said to marry her and want to raise her and Zu's children, but this promise did not require any response from Catherine.

This is a dangerous relationship, this is a dangerous life, this is a world where symbolism and reality are blurred, this is love between the mind and the body, Zu said to Zhan: "Be careful, be careful of yourself, and be careful of her." Although Zhan will Catherine calls it a ferocious "grasshopper", but he seems to have found true love in Catherine's madness and wildness, and he even longs to have a child with her, and can't tolerate the second woman's dominance and ex-girlfriend. Bet broke up, and Catherine saw their dangerous relationship as the beginning of another free life, she even said, "Zu won't be jealous, because Zu loves us both, so it will hurt him less."

And in this dangerous relationship, Catherine did not leave Zu, so that Zu had no complaints even if he became the third party in their love, the three and their daughter were all happy with strange faces, and even the four of them rode together. Bike out and enjoy life in madness. Zhan wants to go back to Paris to say goodbye to his life. He breaks up with Jiaobei, but Jiaobei, who is in pain, is full of jealousy. She has always been loyal to Zhan, but in fact, Jiaobei, like Zu, is just a lover. This kind of symbol, "Jiaobei is to Zhan, just like ancestor is to Catherine." A tragic symmetrical relationship formed between them, two selfless lovers, but what they get is love that is close to nothing. But Zhan's trip to Paris made Catherine unhappy, because in her opinion, Zhan has not cut off the relationship with Jiaobei, she even regarded the idea of ​​having a child as a nightmare, or in Catherine's view at this time, Love requires fidelity, no second woman is allowed to be a note to Catherine herself, so this love is lost in letters that have been delayed for days, constant doubt, constant betrayal, in such a dangerous relationship In Chinese, love is an illusion, whether it is for Catherine, or for Zhan, for Zu and Jiaobei, they all seek the way to reach the true meaning of love in their respective lives, but the interlacing and the confusion in them have made Everyone caught in it can't see the direction.

Catherine wanted to commit suicide and bought a gun. After meeting Zhan, Catherine wanted to occupy Zhan's life completely. He would not allow Zhan to leave. Before leaving, Zhan said to Catherine: "There is a bookmark in the novel you lent me that reads: A woman, on a boat, fantasizes about having sex with a stranger. This sentence seems to be your confession, telling How do you start your expedition. I have curiosity too, maybe everyone, but I will control myself for you. But can't believe you will. I agree that two people in love may not be enough! Look around us, you Thought it would be better to reject hypocrisy and obey, you want to create love, but pioneers need to be humble and not self-centered, no, we need to be honest with ourselves. We failed and messed things up. You want to change me, I want to make Your happiness hurts the people around you. My promise to Jiaobei to live happily ever after has become an empty word, a lie. I want to marry her. We will have children."

Yes, for Zhan, the love he once had for Katherine was pure and had no moral restraints, but love without any restraints was always prone to the opposite side of danger. In this intricate and multifaceted relationship, love became A kind of control has become a kind of control, and it has become a blasphemy against life. "We played with the source of life, but failed." in the insistence of Jiaobei leaving and coming back, in the slideshow of Abana Forever, in the moment when Catherine jumped to the Seine, in the imagination of accounting to have a child, but love is not a novel, not a war Those letters of , not the unsinkable hat in the river, not the beautiful song written by Abba, it has betrayal, it has freedom, it has sex, and it has death. "Make it a mess" is like the song goes: "Meet again that night, the whirlwind of life blows us around..." There is no real way out.

only death. When finally Catherine took Zhan, left the lonely ancestor, and drove towards the broken bridge, the definition of this love had become a tragedy, and Catherine still smiled, like the smile they used to be when they were together— - She said, she never could laugh before, but since she met him, he, and him, she laughed, laughing on the iron bridge where they ran together, laughing on the car that was rescued by jumping into the Seine, laughing At the moment when Zu proposed to her, Xiao Zhan and her kissed her feet all night long, and of course the last laugh was in the icy river. "She's a queen, she's a real woman." For Zhan, this sentence was an inescapable life commentary, but Catherine's last madness was a kind of serenity and calmness. She planned this incident alone, and at the same time Deprived of the right to complain.

"They are like the master and servant of Don Quixote", this is the definition of the friendship between Zu and Zhan. After many changes, in the chaos of a woman's life, this sentence becomes true. Prophecy, when the last crazy car fell into the water, the tragedy became a circular loop, and the issue of accounting was put into a coffin, sent to an incinerator, and finally turned into smashed bones and a piece of wood. The box, like Catherine, was placed in the cemetery. Zu seemed to always guard his former friends and wives, guarding the life they once gurgled with the source of life. Now he is alone, walking on a desolate path: "Did Catherine have any joy in this war? No, she made Zu's life a mess. Her death gave him a sense of relief." Leaving and relief, It's beyond morality, beyond the system, but also in the tragedy of their inescapable fate, like the sentence at the beginning:

you say, "I love you," I say, "stay." I almost said, " Take me away", but you say, "Go away."

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Jules and Jim quotes

  • Récitant: Happiness isn't easy to tell of and wears out without anyone noticing.

  • Friend of Jim: Interesting, isn't she? Her name is Denise. Don't bother talking to her. She won't answer. She never talks. She's not an idiot. Just empty. Nothing in there. She's just a thing.

    Jim: A pretty thing.

    Friend of Jim: Yes, a beautiful object. It's just sex. Unadulterated sex.