Overall it's ok, accompany me through the night in the car

Arnold 2022-03-24 09:02:48

After watching it in the car last night, there is a feeling of unfinished business. I like the appearance of the female pig's feet very much. The female pig's feet are very smart, but the killer is even smarter. She kidnapped the girl without any signs of breaking into the house. After attracting Jill to find the car that he unlocked 24 hours, he deliberately night He honked the horn to let others pay attention, deliberately left receipts and tape for buying kidnapping supplies in the car, deliberately stated his address in the supermarket, and deliberately left another waitress in the coffee shop with his own number. He guessed that Jill came back to him, but there are still many bugs in the play:
1. Why was the hostess kidnapped for the first time, stabbed the murderer and escaped without taking the ladder away, and killed the murderer for the first time die?
2. When the female pig's feet burned the murderer, why was there ready-made oil next to it? Is it for lamp oil?
3. According to the logic of the murderer kidnapping Jill for the first time, the murderer will bury the person in the hole after killing the person. Why did Jill come to find that the dead woman seems to have been dead for a long time and has not been buried?
4. After Jill killed the murderer, she deliberately sent the map of the hole and the photos of several kidnapped girls to the police. She was not afraid of killing herself and being caught, or did she again scorn the police's incompetence?
so many questions...

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Gone quotes

  • Custodian: What if you don't show up?

    Jill: It means I'm dead.

  • [first lines]

    Jill: Are you going to say hi?

    Molly: Maybe tomorrow after my final. Right now I've got to become an expert on marginal productivity theory.

    Jill: I'd ask you what that is, but then I'm afraid you'd tell me.

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