Will you suddenly realize one day and choose a completely different path

Elsie 2022-03-25 09:01:09

I won't say much about the previous experience of the running account type. In fact, the better one is "Forrest Gump", which has linked some major events in the United States.

Although there are many presidents, this film still revolves around the theme of the black movement in the United States. In fact, it seems that every country has a magnificent movement of oppressed people to resist. In fact, the history of black people in the United States is oppressed. Compared to the Chinese, it is nothing.

However, I think the insight into life in this film makes people feel a little emotional.

Eugene Allen witnessed his father being shot and killed, his mother was raped, and he saw a black man being hanged on his way from home. I think his main purpose at that time was to escape this dangerous life. After he got married, he hoped to keep his family away from this kind of life. This belief supported him throughout his life.

As the old black man who taught him said, in order to make a living, we must live with two faces.

The best way to survive is to keep your head down and do things honestly, and don't care about anything else. I think most people will choose this path to earn a stable life

. "Maybe there may be injustice, maybe there may be oppression, but this is already good."

This is also the reason why he can't forgive his son for any sports. For decades, he drove his son out of the house and did not recognize the son.

But when he finally took his wife into the White House as a "guest", I think at that time, he realized that standing and sitting, in different positions, can feel different lives.

And at that time, he realized his son's choice, left the White House, and begged his son's forgiveness.

I was thinking, when we have worked as hard as Eugene Allen for most of our lives, will we one day think if we choose another One way, then life, will there be less regrets?

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