Hollywood has started the Jiazi cycle again. .

Miles 2022-03-25 09:01:09

It's not a movie review, it's an afterthought. Lara miscellaneous, think of what to say.
In the past year or two, the mainstream consciousness of American films has become stronger and stronger. I don’t know if I gradually realized it, but in fact American movies have always been like this, or is this really the case recently, only to find that the deep-rooted tycoons in American movies have started to operate some beautiful illusions or mirages. s things.
Found that some new film companies have appeared recently. Some films don't start out with Lion's Roar or Paramount. Some mainstream movies are starting to whitewash their logos to get rid of the commercial vibe that business has given them. Getting some new companies, like Procter & Gamble, can still be very intimidating.
But obviously, the United States is starting to get rid of the Cold War line and start a new line, a new Cold War line. Or calling the United States is a good or bad route.
Warm and inspirational, everyone has seen enough, and probably the directors have filmed enough. Barely attracting attention is to keep making old faces to inspire fans. Fans are also happy to take a look at the old faces. Also love. The question is, those old faces always appear, are they using movies as textbooks? Does the post-80s generation need to read Lincoln Martin Luther King's Black Liberation, and the post-00s generation also need to take over the flag and study again, and review it again? It's really a unique study for the past.
In addition to being black, Oprah is actually a liar of tycoons. Is she beautiful, no, is she particularly eloquent, doesn't she feel, is it more touching than art and life, maybe that's what it means. People in the deep end of America say, look, how noble we are, we admire black ladies like this, how democratic and free we are. In fact, who likes her very much. To put it bluntly, what qualifications does an American program yy have to enter the high school English textbook of that year? How many dollars is enough to write her into Chinese textbooks? Pay the same money to write Zhu Jun into the American Chinese textbook, if Chinese is a second foreign language or a foreign language in the United States.
There is nothing wrong with America, and it is not as good as imagined. That's it, people can eat and drink well and don't need to worry too much about being upset. Therefore, the bad America we see is not necessarily the bad of others, and the good America we see does not necessarily mean that others are really good. Just like candied fruit, if you eat it sweet, it will be sour, and if you eat sour, it will be sweet. If the movie was America, America would have wiped out the gangsters and police, and the warmth and the American dream would have died long ago.
As everyone knows, the U.S. military is fighting every day, and the American community glass does not need to install so many protective nets. Don't wear socks in winter and sunbathe in summer. You can think that they are Confucius, a gentle, respectful and thrifty Confucius, or a carnivorous gorilla. The question is, who are you.

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Lee Daniels' The Butler quotes

  • title card: Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

  • Freddie Fallows: Are you political, Mr. Gaines?

    Cecil Gaines: No, sir.

    Freddie Fallows: Good. We have no tolerance for politics at the White House.