dark road of escape

Sarai 2022-03-23 09:03:07

After watching it, only the sad violin music revolves in my mind, and the depressing and heavy atmosphere runs through the whole movie. I like light-hearted and beautiful movies, and I was going to spend the afternoon as a distraction, but this dark movie made me even more indigestible throughout the afternoon. Halfway through the movie, the tone of the movie was still dull, so I hoped for a happy ending. Fortunately, in the end, the siblings successfully arrived at the grandmother's house with a windmill on the wall. After watching it, Baidu learned that this movie has won many awards, but it really does not suit my appetite.
The theme of the escape, Nazi Germany, Lohe's father was an officer of Hitler's party. After Hitler's defeat, he hurriedly cleaned the door and burned confidential documents. What about a child? The mistakes of the previous generation, the improper choices, the wrong camp and the wrong treasure, can only reverse the fate of the next generation. The discord, restlessness and lust between the parents, the young Luo He felt through the seam. Although she is small, she is very sensitive, and she understands things that many outsiders do not speak out. Cheeky, haggling for food, lying, killing, seducing... Make the next tough decision. In my opinion, it is more dangerous to flee with a group of twin brothers, a younger sister, and an infant brother. It is fortunate that only one of the younger brothers was lost in the end with such a large group target. The most innocent is Thomas, the fake Jew who helped them along the way. It can also be said that he is the only male protagonist. The neat face when he first appeared made me have a good impression of this character. There is no maliciousness in his eyes. Following Luo He's group, he stepped forward to help. And I was always worried that Luo He would be raped and lost by a certain soldier, but fortunately she was intact in the end. The blood and dirt are magnified, and the greed in human nature is all at a glance, and it is only for profit. Who would give a helping hand to someone who is not a relative and not a friend at this moment when everyone is in danger? As the eldest sister, Luo He shoulders her mother's legacy and struggles to find the protection of her grandmother. In the end, when she saw her grandmother berating her brother for his poor table manners, she acted even worse than his brother, causing her grandmother to scold her. Of course, she is polite, so when her brother was caught stealing something, she was furious and locked him in a box, saying that this was not the behavior of German children. In the past, they had been pampered since childhood, and they had never cared about so many so-called etiquette. At the juncture of life and death, only survival, food and safety were the most important things. It took a long time to take a bath, and the bathhouse was crowded with women, men, women and children, all covered in white and fat. The old lady who lived in a big ornate house since she was a child, dressed elegantly and neatly, and fled to her clothes dripping with black water, let her two younger brothers undress and sing, her eyes were full of doubts, and she could decide one's life and death in an instant. soldier. Money is so important, money can make a ghost run the mill; force is so important, a shot can be used for self-defense or it can end a person's life. The long-term freezing of the bloody scenes in the film seems to show the hardships of survival. Seeing the corpse again and again, Luo He and his younger siblings did not scream, but swallowed the shock and fear into their stomachs and swallowed them alone. On the way, none of them disliked the unpalatable food and the harsh and dirty environment, and they also understood that it was not easy for my sister. Children are kind and frank, and Gant admired and loved his elder brother Thomas, so much that he died because of him. And the rule that babies can travel on trains also made me feel good when I was puzzling.
There are so many things that are never spoken in the film. When the hero and heroine met for the first time, Luo He should have asked "what do you want to do". There is a lot left in the movie for the viewer to discover, and this is the uniqueness of the movie as a moving image - you can experience the meaning and atmosphere of it yourself. Musical interludes, ambient tones, language expressions are all elements that make up a meaningful background.
Along the way, Luo He's face was solemn, and he only smiled when he sang to win the favor of the fat and wretched boatman, but unfortunately the boatman didn't appreciate it. Whenever she thought she was going to sacrifice herself to save her younger siblings, she could successfully avoid it. Teasing Thomas to stay and help them, but luring the boatman was considered too stinky. At that time, she looked at Thomas without moving her eyes, and her eyes contained the last and most humble help, and she didn't want to lose herself like this. Desire is really indispensable, even at the last moment, as long as there are men and women, there can be the most primitive desires. Love is also an essential element of the movie. The younger brother took Thomas' certificate on the train. Did he get off the train later? Will he die? Will Luo He have a chance to meet him again in the future? The film does not tell us, and thus leaves room for mystery and imagination. The girl Luo He has grown up, but the price is too heavy. Perhaps from now on, her dreams could not be separated from the shadow of the boatman she murdered, the self-blame for not collecting the body of her brother, and the thought of Thomas who escorted them all the way at the cost of his life. Luo He is a stubborn, strong and self-respecting girl.

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  • [first lines]

    Vati: We can only take what fits in the truck.

    Mutti: I'm not talking about the damn truck!

    Vati: [Lore walks into the room] Hey, here she is! My girl. Come here.