i have a dream

Deshaun 2022-03-25 09:01:09

The ultimate pursuit of human society is freedom, fairness and justice. The film tells the perspective of a black man working as a servant in the White House, telling about the inequality and racial segregation in the United States. Black people fight for their dreams. From Lincoln, to Kennedy, to Reagan, until Obama has been improving towards the ultimate goal of human society. Today, I have a dream. One day, black boys and girls there will be able to go hand in hand with white boys and girls. Martin Luther King

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Lee Daniels' The Butler quotes

  • title card: Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

  • Freddie Fallows: Are you political, Mr. Gaines?

    Cecil Gaines: No, sir.

    Freddie Fallows: Good. We have no tolerance for politics at the White House.