Is this a natural disaster or a man-made disaster?

Justus 2022-03-23 09:02:05

1. When the old man’s boat is broken, shouldn’t he think about how to repair the boat at the first time?
No, first have a good meal, take a nap in the leaky cabin, take a shower while it is raining, and make it up the next day. So I have to do things before the water reaches my waist
. 2. The old man finds that the radio is intermittent.
I think anyone should see that it is the poor contact caused by the water in the battery. If it's a signal problem, it won't flicker and flicker. But the old man climbed the pole to repair the antenna.
3. The storm is coming!
Still in no hurry, take advantage of the storm and shave. When it was raining heavily, I thought of adding rain sails and anchors to stabilize the hull. Why did you go early? You see the storm coming, and you go back to shave without doing any preparations
4. The lifeboat returns to the wreck, the ship is about to sink, and you choose to bandage the wound inside.
Wouldn't you bring the medical equipment back to the lifeboat and then bandage it? Is the mirror of a sunken ship clearer than that of a lifeboat?
5. The lifeboat is leaking. The lifeboat was later found to be leaking as well. There is another storm, and the same story happens again. How desperate is the screenwriter?
Don't worry, just lie down in the water and sleep. Until the storm overturned the lifeboat, and then did not mention the hole again.
6. There is a shortage of food
. How ignorant this person is about the sea. He only brought food for a few days and went out to sail. And sailed to a place where the land could not be seen for several days. Reminds me of the first scene, where he prepared a candlelight dinner for himself in no hurry, and it seemed that the food was very abundant.
An unprepared, clumsy, unresponsive, old man decided to go on a deep-sea voyage alone. Is this the loss of everything, or the incontinence of everything.

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All Is Lost quotes

  • [first lines]

    Title Card: 1700 nautical miles from the Sumatra Straits.

  • Our Man: This is The Virginia Jean with an SOS call, over.