The ending is very twisted and tangled~! Worth seeing! Beware of spoilers. . .

Augustus 2022-04-23 07:02:27

The plot of the whole film is tense and compact. Even I, who often watch horror, my heart beats several times faster. Recommend~! Worth a look.

Mainly, let's talk about the ending. In the end, the blonde loli and the black girl did not call the police, crying, hugging, and a few more heartfelt words. Instead, let the killer fend for himself. I agree with the fact that there is no death penalty in the United States, so there is a high possibility of being locked up in a mental hospital for a few days and then coming out for revenge. But because Mao didn't kill him directly, wouldn't tying it there directly create a chance for the pervert to escape? I want to ask Loli and Heimei, are you going back to sleep like this? If I were loli, to be honest, such a powerful pervert would not die for a day, and would not want to sleep peacefully all day. And even if he is dead, the police will not be able to investigate the body when they find it, and will they not find trouble for themselves? It is better to kill directly, it is said to be self-defense killing, everyone rejoices and relieves hatred~!

In addition, as for the motive for the perverted murder, it doesn't matter whether it is for her sister or childhood sweetheart, it is important for the blonde hair. According to convention, this film can be renamed: {The Bloody Case Caused by a Blonde}

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The Call quotes

  • Jordan Turner: Casey, what's happening?

  • [repeated line]

    Michael Foster: It's already done!