This is a value line that American films will take.

Louisa 2022-03-27 09:01:09

I have watched several American cartoons in the past, and they conveyed positive energy.

American movies all contain the dissemination of their own values, no matter what kind of character you are, we are all equal. In the face of difficulties, we will help each other through the difficulties. American dream. Movies are a good place to reflect the status quo of society, and he represents a microcosm.

It basically contains some popular routines. The protagonist's vision for his dream is to pursue his dream, overcome obstacles step by step in the ridicule of others, and achieve his ultimate goal through some help. Finally, it is recognized by the people around it and recognized by the society.

A dream, just do it anyway. Small people also have the right to pursue their dreams, and everyone is equal in front of their dreams. turbo.

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Turbo quotes

  • Turbo: Are you crazy?

    Whiplash: Yeah, I'm crazy! What made you think I was sane?

  • Turbo: Snails don't have money. Or else they'll have to pay the bills. Remember?

    Whiplash: Your trash talk is needlessly complicated!

    Turbo: Is it? Or is it that your unpaid bills... are overdue?

    Whiplash: Enough talk! It's time... for action.