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good father kramer
Sherman 2022-03-24 09:01:37
Billy Kramer: What did you do when you were little?
Ted Kramer: I guess about the same things you do.
Billy Kramer: Did you watch "The Brady Bunch"?
Ted Kramer: No. We didn't have any television.
Billy Kramer: You didn't?
Billy Kramer: What else didn't you have when you were little?
Ted Kramer: We didn't have lots of things.
Billy Kramer: Like?
Ted Kramer: Like a lot of things.
Billy Kramer: What kind?
Ted Kramer: Come here. We didn't have diet soda. We had egg creams - which is a little bit of chocolate syrup and a little bit of seltzer water and a little bit of milk and you went Shoooosh! all swooshed up when you drank it and it was de-licious. We didn't have the Mets, but, we had the Brooklyn Dodgers. We had the Polo Grounds. We had Ebbits Field. Ah, boy, those were the days. And we didn't have the Volkswagens; but, we had all those different kind of cars with the funny names on 'em. We didn't have any Burger Kings or McDonalds. We had automats where you went inside and you put a quarter in and you get, you know, a piece of pie or a sandwich that you see through a window. We didn't have any graffiti; but, we had this guy, Kilroy, and he went down the street...