When happiness comes knocking at the door: God's good will

Imelda 2021-10-13 13:05:35

This time the story was told by the little child. A believer was besieged by a major flood. A small boat came and told him to go up. He said, no, God will come to save me. After a while, a big boat came again, and he still said, refusing to board the boat. Until he was drowned, before God. He wondered, why didn't God come to save him, God said, I sent two boats. In the past, I took this as a joke and laughed. This time, I feel that all the deep meaning of this movie lies in this. God’s salvation is omnipresent. People who have no discerning eyes can only blame the heavens and others, but they don’t understand. Everything has God’s good will. How did you do it? Did you brave the victory or defy yourself? Don’t say that God didn’t give you a chance. , You don't understand it. However, the black father in this film overcame the difficulties one by one, and later he succeeded, after paying a lot of effort. Difficulties came one after another, without giving people a chance to breathe. Seeing him, he felt that he had been driven to the bottom. He had almost nothing. In order to be an investment intern, he gave up being a salesman, no income, and his wife left. The only thing he has is his son, which is his support for survival. Because he had no father since he was a child, he swore an oath to himself not to let his children repeat the same mistakes. The child was very sensible. He sold a medical device and asked his son what he wanted. The son just wanted a small piece of candy. My son’s favorite is Superman. He holds the toy "American Hero" every day and sleeps, so he is very satisfied. The most touching scene is the homeless father dragging his son and wandering around the subway station. Father said, maybe this instrument is really a time machine. Tell his son to close his eyes. Then the son cooperated with the father. As if by the Jurassic, dinosaurs were in ambush. The two excited people seemed to be back in prehistoric times, excited and novel as a child. To escape the dinosaurs, the father took his son into the bathroom beside him. Sitting on the floor in the small, cold bathroom, the son fell asleep leaning on his father. Outside the door, someone was smashing the door, and his father was helpless and crying. It's just two children. How hard is it to survive. There are too many details, telling how difficult it is to survive. Pay more than others. You can save a few seconds when you make a call without putting down the microphone. If you don’t drink water, you can go to the toilet less and save a few minutes. At the end of the day after the war, they have to line up so that they can live in relief houses so as not to sleep on the streets. From beginning to end, the father had no chance to take a break, alive, with his son, this is his purpose. He had so many difficulties, but he met them one by one. The teacher asked him to park the car when he was in a hurry to meet an important client. He did, and lost the appointment. But then he made it up again. I also watched the football game with that client and met many potential clients on the field. Good fortune and misfortune. When he wanted to enter this industry, he was told that he wanted to do it without difficulty. One was sensitive to numbers and talented, and the other was to be a human being. Sure enough, he practiced the latter point. God gave him every test, and he passed them all. In the end he became a broker with an annual salary of 800,000 US dollars. He conquered the darkness and dangers before dawn. In the end, those sufferings turned out to be good intentions. Because of suffering, we have witnessed perseverance. A heavy movie. Tell you how to view the true meaning behind the suffering.

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The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."