Listen, it's the voice of a dream

Austin 2022-03-23 09:02:13

"Continue to run, with the pride of a child! How can we see the sparkle of life if we don't insist on it? Fate cannot make us kneel and beg for mercy, even if the blood is spilled all over our arms, we will not compromise until we grow old!

" After being selected as the theme song of Happy Boys this summer, "Dream of the Child" has been widely circulated and has begun to be known to everyone. Not only is the melody beautiful, but the lyrics are positive and tear-jerking.

But maybe many people don't know that its mv is also great. There are no band members in it, but it is composed of fragments of many classic movies. Sharp-eyed people will see Forrest Gump, The Shawshank Redemption, Iron Fist Man, and the scene of a skinny man being thrown into celebration on the football field, from the song's film of the same name, "Rudy".

This is a movie based on a true story: Rudy was born into an ordinary family and is the smallest of many brothers, but he has a dream, that is to play for the football team of Notre Dame. Rudy wanted to go to Notre Dame when he graduated from high school, but his grades were so poor that he couldn't even get into a regular college. In desperation, he had no choice but to work in a steel mill where his father had worked his whole life.

Ordinary days always pass quickly. After working in the steel mill for four years, on Rudy's 22nd birthday, a friend gave him a second-hand school uniform from Notre Dame University and encouraged him to realize his dream. In fact, in the past four years, Rudy has never forgotten his dream. He has been saving money silently to realize his dream one day. But everyone laughed at his whimsy, and even his parents scolded him for his unrealistic fantasies.

His father once talked to him very seriously, "Notre Dame is for rich kids, smart kids, born great athletes, not for families like ours." My father was worried that a distant dream would ruin his son For the rest of his life, he hoped that Rudy would be able to work steadily in the steel mill, and soon he would earn more than his father.

Is there nothing in life that is more important than material things to pursue?

Among the people around, only good friends are encouraging him. But soon after, a good friend died in an accident, and there was no one around to support him.

The loss of a companion is always uncomfortable, and this blow makes Rudy start to seriously think about the way to realize his dream. He said, "Throughout my life, people have always told me what I can do and what I can't do, and I have always listened to them. But I don't want that anymore." In the

end, what was suppressed in my heart overcame reality, so, He ignored everyone's confusion and set foot on the train to the city of Notre Dame alone. There, he inquired a lot, and finally learned that he could read the preparatory course at the nearby community college first, and if his grades were good, he could apply for transfer to the University of Notre Dame.

Needless to say, all Rudy could pay was sweat. Originally with poor grades, he lived in the basement and studied 20 hours a day. Finally, after two years, he successfully entered the University of Notre Dame. This news makes everyone very happy, because it is a miracle for their family to get into Notre Dame University, and his parents also hope that he can study hard and find a better job in the future. But Rudy is still holding on to her dream.

"Playing for the Notre Dame football team," the thought had already fascinated him.

Rugby is a sport that requires a lot of physical fitness. Rudy's physical condition is simply not enough. He is too short, and the official players are a lot taller than him. However, during the selection of the team's newcomers, he finally won the coach's approval with his hard work and perseverance and was selected into the reserve team.

The so-called reserve team does not even count as a substitute. The content of daily training is to stand in place, waiting to be bumped by the regular players and let them practice attacking. From freshman year to senior year, for four years and four seasons, Rudy was bruised every day and never missed a training session. Even though he doesn't see any hope of playing, he's holding on.

Just like what a friend told him when he gave him the University of Notre Dame uniform on his 22nd birthday, "Having dream is what makes life tolerable (dream makes life tolerable)."

In the past four years, Rudy has sneaked onto the court more than once. , stroking the lawn, the goal, the player's entry channel over and over again. When the cleaning staff asked him what he was doing here, he said, "This place is special, isn't it? One day I'll be running down that tunnel into this court."

"Well, it won't be today anyway," said Baojie.

"I'm here to play for Notre Dame," Rudy said silently.

People did not come to this world because of their own will, maybe it was just an accident, but to live, people began to need to find support, sustenance, to tell themselves that it is not meaningless for people to come into this world. Maybe it's religion, maybe it's family, maybe it's something else, everyone needs something different for everyone, something that touches the depths of their soul.

This thing is called a dream.

In fact, it's not that Rudy didn't think about giving up. When he was in the factory, when he was studying in the preparatory school, when he was at Notre Dame University, when he was under great pressure, when everyone advised him to keep his feet on the ground, he had the idea of ​​giving up, but he still Select Continue. "Isn't insisting on a dream not called being down-to-earth?"

There is a kind of power in persistent people, a kind of power that can infect the people around them. Rudy's persistence infected his teammates. In the last game of the season, the teammates pleaded with the coach and even threatened to strike, finally winning Rudy's qualifications as a substitute in the official game.

It was the last game of Rudy's college career and the first time he ran out of the tunnel and played for Notre Dame. He looked at the grass, still so green, and looked at the sky, still so blue. He took a deep breath, but felt so comfortable.

Since it's a real story, there is no such thing as the home team falling behind in the film, and after putting Rudy on, he performed exceptionally well to help the team win. On the contrary, the game went on smoothly, with Notre Dame leading the visiting team early, and there was no suspense in winning or losing. It was in this situation that the coach still didn't want to risk Rudy. Gradually, countless weak voices converged, and in the last few minutes of the game, tens of thousands of spectators burst out with the same shout, "Rudy Rudy Rudy..." Under the

pressure, the coach had to turn around and ask Rudy, "Are you ready? Is it?"

Rudy replied firmly, "I've been preparing for this moment all my life!"

Rudy finally played. Rudy looked at the time when he got on the court, and there were 27 seconds left until the end of the game. In those inconsequential 27 seconds, Rudy gave it his all, knocking down one of the opposing quarterbacks, but it didn't matter to the game at all. Because this is already the garbage time of this game without any suspense.

It took four years of part-time work, two years of preparatory courses, and four years of sparring. It took a whole ten years to get the 27 seconds of realizing the dream and the 27 seconds of no climax. Does it all make sense?

Yes, it makes sense. Because dreams make life bearable.

From a steel worker to a college student at a prestigious university, he has learned persistence, patience, and belief, and he has gained too many things beyond 27 seconds. The treasure hunter has already harvested a lot on the way to the treasure hunt, so who cares about what is in the final treasure box?

27 seconds after the dream came true, what will happen to Rudy's life? I don't think that's important anymore. The original dream has been realized, and it can be used to reminisce for the rest of my life. There is no need to prove anything to the world, as long as you are worthy of yourself and respect yourself, the world will naturally respect you.

Just as the crowd burst into deafening cheers for Rudy at the end of the game, the players surrounded him, cheered, and carried him off the field. The movie subtitle reminds us, "Since this game in 1975, the University of Notre Dame football team has not been carried away and cheered."

This is "Dream," a movie about chasing dreams. It’s just at the end that I realize that realizing my dream is actually very simple, that is, perseverance.

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Extended Reading

Rudy quotes

  • Daniel: [Upon entering Notre Dame Stadium] This is the most beautiful sight these eyes have ever seen!

  • Frank: Ara again? You gonna get an autographed picture and kiss it every night before you go to bed?

    Rudy: What is your problem?

    Frank: Or maybe he'll give you permission to wipe his ass.