such a bookstore

Josie 2022-03-23 09:02:17

I once thought that when I was old, I would also open a bookstore. Don't ask about the world, find the peace in life in the pile of old papers. This kind of happiness is the most rare, right?
However, when I saw this drama, it really broke my fantasy. How can there be such a bookstore, it is a miracle that it opens at ten in the morning, and it will close before three in the afternoon. Regarding the protagonist, if Ma Jingtao is the Roaring Emperor, Moran is not inferior. When the 9-to-5 job made Manny frantic, the bookstore was his first choice, despite the nervousness of the boss. Fortunately, there are beautiful and beautiful neighbors. Although Fran is also a mess in love and career, he is still amiable to Manny, a guy with a defective IQ, and it is even more difficult to conquer Moran, a freak!
All in all, the three of them laughed and laughed, propped up the show, and the season ended between laughter and laughter. Wonderful in its rich imagination, but the way it roars I can't get enough.
Maybe, one day, I will get old. Occasionally, when the client greets him, he sticks his head out from behind the tall bookcase and kindly introduces the book to him. In the evening, drive to follow the pace of the sunset and watch the sunset disappear into the skyline.

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Black Books quotes

  • Bernard: [selling a book] Enjoy. It's dreadful, but it's quite short.

  • Bernard: Whores will have their trinkets.

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